"Tuning into your true voice means letting go of the ego and embracing who you truly are, beyond the addictions and superficial layers."Deanne Adamson In the pursuit of personal transformation and spiritual growth, many people find themselves seeking guidance beyond the traditional medical paradigm. My guest on today's show, Deanne Adamson, recognized this need and shifted her focus from mental health counseling to transformational recovery and integration coaching. With a Master's in Mental Health Counseling and extensive experience in coaching and coach training, Deanne has been supporting individuals on their…
"Addressing personal trauma isn't just about healing wounds; it's about unlocking the highest potential within ourselves. When we face our darkest moments, that's when we can truly shine."Mike Zeller Facing trauma and challenges head-on can lead to profound personal growth and transformation. My guest on today's show, Mike Zeller, is a serial entrepreneur who has founded or partnered in over 16 ventures across five industries. He sat down with me to share his insights on overcoming adversity and tapping into one's inner genius. With businesses collectively generating over $100 million…
"The greatest gifts in life are often not wrapped in pretty paper. They can be incredibly hard to appreciate at the moment, but in retrospect, they hold the most valuable lessons."Jason Earle From toxic mold to toxic thoughts, the obstacles we face in life can either break us down or forge us into something greater. Our pain, struggles, and adversities are often the crucibles that shape us, refine us, and ultimately lead us to a life of purpose and service. Jason Earle knows this journey all too well. A childhood…
"Never listen to anyone who says you can't heal; it plants a seed in your unconscious mind that may block your healing. Remember, the unconscious has its own motivations."Steve Ozanich Pain is a powerful teacher, but it doesn't have to be a life sentence. Steve Ozanich, a renowned expert on mind-body health and author of The Great Pain Deception, has helped tens of thousands of people heal themselves from chronic pain and disease through his lectures, books, and interviews. With three degrees from Youngstown State University and a wealth of…
"The number one aspect of healing is reconnecting to your heart. Your head's never going to have the answer for healing."Aaron Bigelow Navigating life's challenges can often feel like an uphill battle, especially when faced with chronic illness or pain. Aaron Bigelow, the founder of AmpCoil Bioenergetic Technology, knows this struggle all too well. After battling life-threatening Lyme disease for over a decade, Aaron embarked on a journey to pioneer a groundbreaking solution that harnesses the power of frequency and vibration to promote healing and optimize health. In this inspiring…
"Our body is in continual communication with us. If you can understand how it communicates with you, you can be in alignment."Dana Frost For some, a health crisis illuminates a path to their life purpose and mission. That is certainly true for today's guest, Dana Frost. Dana is a body, mind, and spirit alchemist who works with women to optimize their health and vitality. She's the host of the
"When we surrender and detox our system—mind, body, and soul—we not only exist but truly thrive in the boundless essence of our beings."Dr. Brooke Stuart It’s fascinating that in many of my guests’ journeys, it’s the struggles they experience early on that inform their life’s work. Such is the case with Dr. Brooke Stuart. Dr. Stuart joins us today to discuss holistic approaches to health, healing, and personal growth. As a child, she suffered from physical symptoms, which she now recognizes were due to EMF exposure. She speaks about her…
"The relationship we have with our body and the universe is so interconnected, and we're just starting to see it. It's a very exciting time to be alive."Dr. Lisa Koche Why does conventional medicine seem so unable to attend to the complete welfare of the patient? We can probably all agree that Western medicine has lost its soul. In the quest for true wellness, we're diving into a world where healing goes beyond the surface. Dr. Lisa Saff Koche, a trailblazer with triple board certification, heads up Spectra Wellness Solutions…
"When we realize our specific purpose, a morphogenic field emerges to unite our energies and transcend the dimensions of reality."Dr. Cathleen King “Mind over matter” may sound trite or even offensive to someone suffering from chronic illness or trauma, but my guest today has unlocked the potential for self-healing for herself and thousands of others in her program by transcending limiting beliefs. Joining us on today’s show is Dr. Cathleen King, known to her patients simply as Dr. Cat. She’s a physical therapist and neuroscience-based mind-body practitioner focused on chronic…
"Feeding your microbiome is crucial to your overall health."Dr. Steven Gundry What if the very foods we think are healthy are actually harming us? Dr. Steven Gundry, a renowned surgeon and nutrition expert, joins us to upend our assumptions about diet and longevity. Early in his distinguished medical career, Dr. Gundry pioneered life-saving surgical techniques. However, he soon realized he could prevent many procedures from even happening by teaching patients how to eat. His extensive research revealed surprising truths about foods, like lectins, and the vital role of our microbiome.…