"The pace of technological change can be overwhelming. But remember, advanced technology, no matter how magical it seems, should always serve us and not vice versa."Dan Sullivan The pursuit of personal growth often leads us to explore the fascinating intersection of technology, philosophy, and human consciousness. Dan Sullivan, the visionary behind Strategic Coach, joins us to share insights from his decades-long journey of empowering entrepreneurs and reshaping business mindsets. In this enlightening episode, Dan shares his unique perspectives on the evolution of technology and its impact on human behavior. We…

"The world is more complex, you simply can't be an expert in everything. You have to narrow it down."David C. Baker Expertise and intentionality lie at the heart of success for advisors in a world where standing out from the competition is increasingly challenging. I'm excited to welcome David C. Baker, an author, speaker, and advisor to entrepreneurial creatives worldwide, to the show today. David has written six books, advised 1,000+ firms, and keynoted conferences in 30+ countries. In our discussion, David shares his insights on crafting a unique approach…

"The PARA method is a game-changing solution to not only organize and declutter your digital content, but to expand your creative output."Tiago Forte What if everyone in the world was freed from brain fog? It would make my guest on today's show a very happy man. Tiago Forte is an internationally renowned expert in unlocking creativity and achieving peak performance who has taught over 20,000 students worldwide. He was also a previous guest here (episode #184). Tiago has worked with major organizations, including Toyota and Genentech, to implement productivity systems.…

"Music is a beautiful form of self-expression. It also leads to a powerful journey to neurologically develop your creative capability while actively preparing for the future."Neil Moore Music is a universal language that taps into our shared humanity. Unfortunately, a lot of us figure out—or are told—early on that we are not musical, so we shut ourselves off to exploring our musical creativity. My guest on today’s show wondered—what if this creative capability could be revealed in all people, even those who believe themselves to be "unmusical"? Neil Moore is…

"We tell the stories that inform our realities. Life may not unfold as planned, but sometimes deviation is our true path."Zack Arnold How can we optimize our lives and achieve our highest potential while somehow finding peace in the process? In today's show, my guest, Zack Arnold, will guide us through this intricate balance, highlighting his journey and how he has pivoted to helping other people on the path of optimization. As an award-winning Hollywood editor and producer, Zack achieved career success, but the byproduct of that success was exhaustion…

"We should marry the old world of personal computer storage to the current world of cloud storage. There’s still room for both."Brad Templeton At this point, it's hard to imagine our lives without technology. In today's episode, we'll uncover the fascinating journey of an individual who has surfed the swelling wave of tech and the internet from its inception, bearing witness to its evolution at every stage. Brad Templeton is founding faculty for Computing & Networks at Singularity University and Chairman Emeritus and futurist of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),…

"Spiral Dynamics has emerged as a way to explore human nature and dynamics that allow us to experience transformative growth."Natasha Todorovic-Cowan If you've been listening to my show for any length of time, you probably know that I'm a huge proponent of personality assessments: Kolbe, PRINT, StrengthsFinder, Enneagram, DISC, you name it, I've probably tried it, and I've figured out how to leverage the findings in my life and business. One assessment tool that I became aware of from Tony Robbins seminars a decade ago was Spiral Dynamics. Tony loves…

"Purpose mapping allows us to discover the synchronistic and relevant aspects of our lives. It helps us reveal our true, inner selves."Craig Filek Your purpose gives you direction, motivation, and drive. Without a clear purpose, you're rudderless and directed by the priorities of others or by whichever crisis is front and center. Prior to working with today's guest, Craig Filek, I thought I was pretty clear on why I'm here on this planet. Nonetheless, by going through Craig's process, called Purpose Mapping, I gained so much more clarity about my…

"Homeschooling offers a unique opportunity to instill your children with essential life skills. This teaching method can encourage kids to become confident individuals who can thrive personally and professionally and positively impact their community."Mary Resenbeck If you believe kids are our future, then you'll want to listen to this episode in its entirety. Mary Resenbeck is the author of Take Charge of Your Child's Education, which lays out for parents an individualized, personalized, maverick approach to homeschooling children successfully. Mary is an experienced Montessori classroom teacher, theater instructor, educational manager,…

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