"We tell the stories that inform our realities. Life may not unfold as planned, but sometimes deviation is our true path."Zack Arnold How can we optimize our lives and achieve our highest potential while somehow finding peace in the process? In today's show, my guest, Zack Arnold, will guide us through this intricate balance, highlighting his journey and how he has pivoted to helping other people on the path of optimization. As an award-winning Hollywood editor and producer, Zack achieved career success, but the byproduct of that success was exhaustion…

"Supplements and biohacks are powerful, but optimizing your overall lifestyle is just as critical in order to reach your full potential."Matt Gallant How can we tap into the incredible optimization potential within our own bodies? Today's guest, Matt Gallant, provides fascinating insights from the frontiers of biohacking. As CEO and Co-Founder of BIOptimizers, Matt brings decades of experience coaching pro athletes and formulating cutting-edge supplements. He's been a strength and conditioning coach for multiple pro athletes, a self-defense instructor, and has over 15 years of experience formulating supplements. He's also…

"Reflect on the world outside you and then the universe within to discover far greater insights than you can perceive with your senses."Rafael Andrade You know, if you've been a listener of mine for any length of time, that I'm a geek when it comes to optimizing health and performance. So anytime I can chat with an inspiring expert in the field of biohacking, I jump at the chance! Today's guest, Rafael Andrade, left behind a 24-year engineering career to start a venture aimed at helping others improve their lives.…

"Sleep is based on performance, much like running or any other sport. To excel at it, you need the right equipment—a comfortable mattress, pillows, and a conducive sleep environment." Dr. Michael Breus Sleep: it's essential to every process in the body, affecting our metabolism, physical and mental functioning, and our ability to fight disease as well as develop immunity. My guest, Dr. Michael Breus, is an incredible pioneer in the field of sleep. We are in a mastermind together called M.E.T.A.L. that you might have heard me talk about before.…

"Millions of people in the chronic stage of Lyme disease were bitten years ago but couldn't get a proper diagnosis. It's difficult to cure, let alone treat, at this stage."Fred Diamond On the surface, today's topic might not seem relevant to you -- unless your life has personally been touched by Lyme Disease. Yet this episode holds potential lessons about resilience, awareness, the health care system, alternative health modalities, and generally taking control of one's health. Lyme Disease is an often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed chronic illness that has impacted many…

"We have three levels of knowledge: intellectual, intuitive, and heart-based."Teri Cochrane What we see and experience in life is just 1% of reality. How can we uncover the truth and tap into our full potential? My guest on today’s show is Teri Cochrane. She is the founder of the Sustainable Health Institute® and an international thought leader in longevity. Through her decades of clinical work, she has developed The Cochrane Method®, a future-facing, multisystem health and longevity model. In today’s episode, Teri talks about her journey in finding a cure…

"Optimal health is not a destination. It’s a continuous process of active participation in goal-oriented wellness."Dr. Molly Maloof What are the secrets to improved health, happiness, and longevity? This is the quest my guest today has taken up. Dr. Molly Maloof is a leading biohacker and physician who provides health optimization and personalized medicine to high-achieving entrepreneurs, investors, and technology executives. For three years, she taught a pioneering course on healthspan in the Wellness Department of the medical school at Stanford University before launching her own company. Her brand new,…

"All matter is spinning rings of electrical current. It's either balanced and centered in the vibration of love or imbalanced and uncentered in the vibration of fear and negativity."Tim Sandars Light and heat are all around us, thanks to the sun, but we’re also immersed in manmade electromagnetic fields, and it’s a concern of modern life that poses various health threats that we need to be aware of. My fascinating guest on today’s show equates the human body to a cell tower vibrating with an electrical current. Tim Sandars has…

"Spirituality is the sense of feeling that you're a part of something bigger. When your spirit is awakened, you begin to discover the meaning and purpose of life."Dr. Deanna Minich Some people think creativity is limited to the artistic realm, but when you’re creative about expanding into areas that interest you, the possibilities are endless. My guest on today’s show created an approach to bring together body, mind, emotions, foods, and lifestyle habits to help you with your health and wellness. It’s called the 7 Systems of Health. Dr. Deanna…

"I don't treat disabilities. I help people unwrap their gifts because the gift won't unwrap itself."Dr. Edward Hallowell There is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving. Yet so many people have had the ADD or ADHD label slapped on them. Sadly, Attention Deficit is considered a disorder, even a disability. But what if it’s more like a superpower? According to my guest, the world renowned Dr. Ned Hallowell, to call it a disorder is a huge mistake. It's a trait that, if managed well, becomes a superpower.…

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