Millionaire Marketer Finds His Purpose with Yanik Silver

Yanik Silver
“We know we are on the right track when the universe continuously gives feedback through synchronicities & magical moments.”
Yanik Silver

Do you believe in the power of intuition? Do you make all your important decisions in life based at least in part on intuition? My answers to both those questions sadly used to be no, but thankfully that has changed. Regardless of where you are in regards to these two questions, this episode is just the thing your soul has been waiting for.

My guest, Yanik Silver, is one of the best people to shed light on what it takes to completely pivot in one’s lifetime. He went from a big-time internet marketer to a world-changing innovator who fully embraced his spiritual side- and yes, for those who are avid listeners of the show, that includes the woo-woo.

Yanik redefines business in the 21st century at the intersection of evolutionary growth, impact and fun. He is the creator of the Cosmic Journal, author of Evolved Enterprise, and the founder of the Maverick mastermind, a global collective of visionary entrepreneurs making a great difference in the world without taking themselves too seriously.

In today’s episode, Yanik shares his journey from being part of his father’s business at a young age to throwing aside convention in pursuit of making an impact on the world. He talks about the importance of cosmic alarm clocks, journaling, intuition, oracles, and bibliomancy in choosing your path. In addition, Yanik shares all about his incredible Maverick1000 trips for entrepreneurs that combine growth, impact, and fun.

This episode originally aired on my other podcast, Marketing Speak, episode 314.

And now, on with the show!

Increase Your Influence, Decrease Your Influenceability with Dr. Robert Cialdini

Dr. Robert Cialdini
“To be a successful long-term source of influence, you have to be ethical in every step along the way. You get the buy-in from people by building your credibility.”
Dr. Robert Cialdini

We live in an age of influence. We are all either the persuaders or the persuaded, intentionally or unintentionally — whether it’s in the business world or the consumer world, whether it’s IRL or online especially on social media where very little can or should be taken at face value. I’m very excited to say that my guest today, Dr. Robert Cialdini, is often referred to as the Godfather of Influence. He is known around the world for his scientific work on what leads people to say yes to requests big and small. His books, including The New York Times bestsellers Influence and Pre-Suasion, have sold over 7,000,000 copies in 44 different countries. 

In today’s episode, we discuss strategies for presenting case studies that people can relate to and we talk about book launches and how you can establish credibility before the book is even launched. We get into some of Dr. Cialdini’s principles which are authentic, ethical practices that are universally applied. No tricks, no schemes. Just real, proven, science-based strategies designed to help you increase your influence and consistently hear the answer you want: “Yes!” So, without any further ado, on with an excellent episode of Get Yourself Optimized.

Unconventional Wisdom, Uncommon Success with John Lee Dumas

John Lee Dumas
“Entrepreneurship is years of tweaking, adjusting, pivoting, improving, failing, learning to get the business to where it is now.”
John Lee Dumas

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with, according to my guest on today’s show, John Lee Dumas. Inspired by the idea of spending time with high achievers who he admired, John, an army veteran who had struggled with depression and PTSD, decided to embark on an entrepreneurial path to change his life and the lives of all his listeners. On his podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire, John has interviewed over 3,000 incredible entrepreneurs, including Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, Tim Ferriss, and many more, me included.

In today’s episode, we talk about John’s incredible journey and how he aspired to (and pulled off) creating a daily podcast that took off and became wildly successful. We discuss how John was able to distill the wisdom of his podcast guests and boil down common core, foundational principles that all entrepreneurs share, which became his new book “The Common Path to Uncommon Success,” a book that teaches financial freedom and fulfillment. John has always felt that in learning, you teach, and in teaching, you learn, so without any further ado, get ready for an episode that packs a lot of inspiration and heart!

The Art of Making S*** Happen with Steve Sims

Steve Sims
“You need to change your environment, mindset, and the people in your life if you want to change your life.”
Steve Sims

We all feel like we don’t fit in, until we realize, we were not meant to. My guest on today’s show, Steve Sims, is a creative disruptor who fashioned a unique career for himself. His secret is that you have to ask for what you dream of, not simply what you think you can get. This is coming from a guy who was a bricklayer with no high school degree who decided to make something of his life. His first step on that journey was surrounding himself with interesting people.

Despite his biker looks and no-hold-barred demeanor, what you see is what you get with Steve, and that is a refreshingly open, engaging, generous, intuitive and competent guy. He’s leveraged all of this to build a remarkably successful entrepreneurial career as a concierge to a handful of wealthy clients. When he describes what he does, he would tell you it’s solving, rather than selling.

You probably don’t know anyone who has sent people down to see the wreck of the Titanic on the sea bed or closed museums in Florence for a private dinner party and then had Andrea Bocelli serenade them while they eat their pasta – well, you do now. Without any further ado, on with the show!

Success Principles of a Hall of Fame Speaker with Don Hutson

Don Hutson
“The market is changing. We need to pivot and innovate, get creative, and still sell our services but on a different platform.”
Don Hutson

Customer service miracles, adaptability skills, The One-Minute Negotiator—these are some of the most-requested presentation topics for talks given by my renowned guest in today’s podcast, Don Hutson. Don is the past President of the National Speakers Association, he is a coach and an author of 16 books, including The One Minute Entrepreneur, which sold over one million copies. His formula in coaching clients is (Vision + Skills + Discipline) x Passion = Outcome. With passion being the force multiplier.

In this episode, we talk about what it takes to be an effective coach—how you can teach your processes that you know work, but there’s got to be some respect for the individuality of your coaching client because no two people are the same. Don is an avid reader and has a lifetime of experience and advice to impart about writing powerful books, including one tip that he learned early on, which is, “it’s better to write a good book than a fast book.” Don has so much wisdom to impart about facing down whatever it is that scares you and the amazing things that can happen when you leverage the power of focus and determination. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

Work Smarter, Not Harder with Laura Roeder

Laura Roeder
“If you’re running an online business, you need to get your hands dirty and your mind more open.”
Laura Roeder

When your market is small businesses, there will always be customers for you if you’re solving a problem. It’s not a winner take all scenario. These are wise words from today’s guest, Laura Roeder. Laura taught herself how to build websites in junior high, then in her early 20’s, she noticed that entrepreneurs wasted a lot of time doing tasks that can be handled by good software. She went on to start up MeetEdgar, an awesome tool for social media scheduling and content management that I am a big fan of. 

With so many ventures going on in her life, Laura has some wisdom to impart about time management. Her latest venture, Paperbell, was born of finding a niche that no one else was filling—it’s a tool for online coaches to manage their contracts, scheduling, payments, and organize their business. I’m just so impressed with all that Laura has been able to accomplish, and I think you’re going to find her insights really refreshing and inspiring. So without any further ado, on with the show!

Making a Living With Your Ideas with B. Jeffrey Madoff

B. Jeffrey Madoff
“To say that there’s no money in the arts is quite crass. There’s a lot of artists who aren’t starving like Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, and Paul McCartney.”
B. Jeffrey Madoff

Michelangelo was once asked, “How did you ever carve the statue of David?” He replied, “I chipped away everything that didn’t look like David.” My guest on today’s show, B. Jeffrey Madoff has a lot of inspirational advice to offer about how you can approach your life and your work—whatever that may be—with creativity. Jeff is the founder of Madoff Productions which produces branded content for major brands such as Ralph Lauren, Victoria’s Secret, and Harvard, to name a few. And Jeff is the author of a wonderful new book called, Creative Careers: Making a
Living with your Ideas

In today’s episode, we talk about the misleading idea of the starving artist in that it’s a bit of a closed-off way of discouraging people from pursuing the arts. It’s so important to be open and receptive to learning and to innovation—so many leaders and world-changers would be nowhere without creativity. We talked about seemingly unrelated creative tools like the Stanislavski Method can be applied in your career or business. There’s so much awesome right brain stuff we access here, I think you’re going to enjoy this episode. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

Success Secrets of Serial Entrepreneurs Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm

Kevin Harrington Mark Timm
“The fastest way to impact a million people is to have the right mentors in your life and be the right mentor to others.”
Kevin Harrington & Mark Timm

In business and life, too often relationships are transactional, but mentorship is a two-way street — a relationship between humans — and not a transaction, and that’s what makes is such a unique offering. 

My guests today, Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm have unlocked that power in their new book, Mentor to Millions, Secrets of Success in Business, Relationships, and Beyond.Kevin and Mark have written this book and created a whole program around it as a way to pay back the mentorship that propelled them forward in their lives, to be able to achieve all their considerable accomplishments.

They are both highly successful serial entrepreneurs, in fact, Kevin has been a mentor to Mark, which is how their partnership began. Kevin is an original “Shark” on the Emmy-winning TV show, Shark Tank and Mark is the current president of IntegriMedical LLC

In today’s episode, we talk about what it’s like to be at a transitional point and how a mentee opens him or herself up to hearing advice, and what it’s like as a mentor to be able to have such a tangible and poignant impact on someone else’s life. They have so much knowledge to share on the subject… so without any further ado, on with the show!

How to Communicate with Impact with Pat Quinn

Pat Quinn
“When the audience is nodding in agreement, they are on the journey with you.”
Pat Quinn

Before you step onto a stage to speak, you need to have clarity on two big questions: who your target audience is and what specific problem you solve for them. Once you answer these questions, it’s surprisingly easy to put together a great talk (or webinar, podcast, and so on). It’s when you’re vague and loose with these answers that your talk might meander and not reach anyone.

Pat Quinn didn’t get his start as a professional speaker. Instead, he worked as a professional magician for 10 years before deciding to get a “real” job. He became a public school teacher and taught high school for 12 years, during which time he got a degree in brain research and focused on how adults learn.

This combination of experiences means he brings both stagecraft and a deep understanding of audiences to his presentations. Tune in to hear his wisdom and learn how to apply it to your own talks and presentations!

A Remarkable Business and Life with Seth Godin

Seth Godin
“What businesses should do is work on the products and the services, not the hype that goes around them.”
Seth Godin

This interview, which was originally featured on my Marketing Speak podcast is so incraedibly relevant in these turbulent times of 2020. My wise and wonderful guest, Seth Godin, has been such an influential force in my business, and in so many others. 

Seth knows a thing or two about weathering the ups and downs of making a business succeed—he is an expert in prioritizing long-term survival over short-term profitability. He also knows a thing or two about unleashing viruses—no, not the awful kind that causes global shutdowns, I’m talking about unleashing idea viruses! 

He’s written books on these exact topics, in fact, and many others. I often remember Seth saying, “when in doubt, get back to the reason why you started a business in the first place.” Which feels like great advice for this moment in time. Stay tuned as I go deep and philosophical about marketing, compassion, and resilience with the man with the iconic yellow glasses.


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