"In multigenerational living, it's about more than meeting basic needs—it's about emotionally enriching each other’s lives and learning patience, understanding, and compassion."Lisa Cini The power of love, compassion, and connection transcends the boundaries of age. My guest on today’s show, Lisa Cini, the CEO of Mosaic Design Studio and Founder of Best Living Tech and Infinite Living, has made it her mission to revolutionize how we approach the aging process and care for our elderly loved ones. In this episode, Lisa shares her personal journey of navigating the challenges and…
"Igniting a lifelong love for learning starts by giving children the freedom and flexibility to explore their innate curiosities and passions."Connor Boyack Between budget constraints and clashing teaching ideologies, the current state of education in the US leaves a lot to be desired. Some people feel this leaves kids vulnerable to the influences of a society that increasingly values mediocrity over excellence. One such advocate for change is today's guest, Connor Boyack, president of Libertas Institute and author of the popular Tuttle Twins children's book series. With a passion for…
"A soulmate is someone who is actually you—an extension of your own essence, not a completely different person who would frustrate, annoy, irritate, disappoint, and contradict you."Dr. Stan Tatkin Have you ever wondered why you act the way you do in relationships? My guest on today's show is Dr. Stan Tatkin, a clinician and researcher who, together with his wife and co-founder Tracey Boldemann-Tatkin, PhD , created The PACT Institute to train mental health professionals to think and work through a psychobiological lens in their clinical practice. In our discussion,…
"When we quiet the ego and still the mind, we open ourselves to the purest form of connection - one of total, undivided attention and delight."Dr. Mark Goulston There is a powerful perspective you have when you are dying. It's poignant and bittersweet listening to this interview and writing these words because my good friend, Dr. Mark Goulston, who sat down to record this with me not more than a few months ago, has since passed. I knew his journey, and when he came on the show, it was part…
"According to THEO, we chose to come into this world. In the grand lottery of human existence, we're blessed to experience life's wonders."Sheila and Marcus Gillette If you're a new listener to this show, you may not know that my guests on this episode had a profound influence on my spiritual path. I met Marcus Gillette through Genius Network in a Zoom breakout. I knew immediately when he spoke about his wife, Sheila Gillette, the famous psychic medium, that I had to have her on the show, which I did…
"Homeschooling offers a unique opportunity to instill your children with essential life skills. This teaching method can encourage kids to become confident individuals who can thrive personally and professionally and positively impact their community."Mary Resenbeck If you believe kids are our future, then you'll want to listen to this episode in its entirety. Mary Resenbeck is the author of Take Charge of Your Child's Education, which lays out for parents an individualized, personalized, maverick approach to homeschooling children successfully. Mary is an experienced Montessori classroom teacher, theater instructor, educational manager,…
"Tantra teaches us that we can create anything we want. We are the masters of manifestation. We are the god and the goddess. We create our own reality in every moment."Justin Gottlieb Many of us have been taught that you have to go to a place of worship to speak to God, but my guest today suggests that you can speak to God in the bedroom, or anywhere for that matter. When you think about it, sacred sexual energy is the energy from which we, as humanity, were conceived. When…
"Enneagram is about one's motivations; it's not necessarily about one’s behavior."Leah Elias It’s hard for a recovering perfectionist to appreciate the world as it is without continually idealizing the way it should be–all things being, well, perfect! But the world is not a perfect place, especially not today. So how can we find the mental switches to flip in order to live our best lives and serve a higher purpose, given those challenges? My guest today, Leah Elias, is someone who personally experienced dramatic difficulties communicating and relating to loved…
"Consent is not the standard of excellence. It's the bare minimum requirement. The standard of excellence is mutually amazing consensual sexual intimacy."Mike Domitrz Respect! Consent! These two words are very important but they don't get enough attention in the media or on stages. My guest's mission in life is to end sexual violence. So, he’s been spreading awareness for decades on how we individually can proactively take action regarding this important issue. Mike Domitrz is an internationally renowned speaker and critically acclaimed author. He is one of the world's leading…
"One of the most important things that parents do when they raise their babies is they're creating their grandchildren's parents."Janet Doman The human brain is a structure so amazing that a famous scientist once called it, “the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe.” My guest today, Janet Doman, has been a pioneer in unlocking what is possible for babies and children with the work she has done as Director of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential since 1980. I’m grateful to be sitting down…