Think Like a Visionary with Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan
“The pace of technological change can be overwhelming. But remember, advanced technology, no matter how magical it seems, should always serve us and not vice versa.”
Dan Sullivan

The pursuit of personal growth often leads us to explore the fascinating intersection of technology, philosophy, and human consciousness. Dan Sullivan, the visionary behind Strategic Coach, joins us to share insights from his decades-long journey of empowering entrepreneurs and reshaping business mindsets.

In this enlightening episode, Dan shares his unique perspectives on the evolution of technology and its impact on human behavior. We explore the concept of synchronicity and its role in personal development, as well as the power of accessing universal intelligence through conscious thought. Dan discusses his approach to procrastination and reveals how it inspired his groundbreaking book, Who Not How.

We examine the importance of teamwork and delegation as we age, with Dan offering insights on achieving more while doing less. Listeners will gain valuable wisdom on goal-setting, measuring success, and creating meaningful impact in both business and life. From reverse-engineering search algorithms to understanding the future of human cognition, this episode promises to expand your horizons and challenge your thinking. So without any further ado, on with the show!

Creating Magic in Business with Jennifer Lyall

Jennifer Lyall
“A full inner battery allows you to thrive and see magic unfold.”
Jennifer Lyall

Synchronicity is the universe’s way of winking at us, confirming we are on the right path. When we tune in to signs and symbols around us, we open the doorway to guidance, insight, and magic.

Today’s guest, Jennifer Lyall, has learned to read these clues and weave her external world with her internal wisdom. As an intuitive business mentor, Jennifer helps conscious entrepreneurs gain clarity and focus so they can bring inspired ideas to life. She teaches spiritual principles for scaling businesses with integrity.

In this episode, Jennifer describes her journey of surrendering control and discovering a new sense of flow. She explains how she receives intuitive downloads through automatic writing and art. We discuss the responsibility we have when tuning into alternate timelines and energies. Jennifer also shares a powerful dream premonition that became reality.

Additionally, we explore the metaphysical relationship between pets and their owners. Jennifer leads us through an affirmation for revealing blessings, forgiving trespasses, and recognizing oneness. It’s a wide-ranging conversation about mysticism and meaning. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

Artificial Intelligence Risks and Rewards with Dr. Ben Goertzel

Dr. Ben Goertzel
“The interplay between spiritual intuitive insight and science and engineering is going to be one of the more interesting things during the next couple of decades as we advance toward singularity.”
Dr. Ben Goertzel

Artificial Intelligence is evolving quickly; some argue faster than humanity can cope with. What can’t be argued is how sweeping the impact of AI will be on the world. As all this continues to unfold, what’s the impact for us now and in the future? And how will it affect the next generation?

In this episode, Dr. Ben Goertzel and I dive deep into the intricacies and possibilities of artificial intelligence and the urgent need for us humans to prepare for this brave new world.

Dr. Ben is a cross-disciplinary scientist, entrepreneur, and author. He leads the SingularityNET Foundation, the OpenCog Foundation, and the AGI Society, which runs the annual Artificial General Intelligence conference.

Millionaire Marketer Finds His Purpose with Yanik Silver

Yanik Silver
“We know we are on the right track when the universe continuously gives feedback through synchronicities & magical moments.”
Yanik Silver

Do you believe in the power of intuition? Do you make all your important decisions in life based at least in part on intuition? My answers to both those questions sadly used to be no, but thankfully that has changed. Regardless of where you are in regards to these two questions, this episode is just the thing your soul has been waiting for.

My guest, Yanik Silver, is one of the best people to shed light on what it takes to completely pivot in one’s lifetime. He went from a big-time internet marketer to a world-changing innovator who fully embraced his spiritual side- and yes, for those who are avid listeners of the show, that includes the woo-woo.

Yanik redefines business in the 21st century at the intersection of evolutionary growth, impact and fun. He is the creator of the Cosmic Journal, author of Evolved Enterprise, and the founder of the Maverick mastermind, a global collective of visionary entrepreneurs making a great difference in the world without taking themselves too seriously.

In today’s episode, Yanik shares his journey from being part of his father’s business at a young age to throwing aside convention in pursuit of making an impact on the world. He talks about the importance of cosmic alarm clocks, journaling, intuition, oracles, and bibliomancy in choosing your path. In addition, Yanik shares all about his incredible Maverick1000 trips for entrepreneurs that combine growth, impact, and fun.

This episode originally aired on my other podcast, Marketing Speak, episode 314.

And now, on with the show!

The Art of Human Connection with Brian Miller

Brian Miller
“So much of the magic in this world is in conversations with people you’re not willing to talk to.”
Brian Miller

Today’s guest believes everyone deserves to feel heard, understood and valued. He loves having awesome conversations that build connections – a connection that is meaningful and forms understanding to both parties.

Brian Miller is a magician turned author and speaker on human connection. He helps thought leaders get “TED-Ready” in his high-level speaking program Conquer the Red Dot. His TEDx talk, “How to Magically Connect with Anyone,” has been viewed 3.5 million times, making him the go-to expert in this field overnight.

In this episode, Brian talks about his YouTube and podcast strategies that make his audience part of his tribe, his advice on how to have a TED-style talk worth spreading, and how to have a successful podcast or Youtube channel. He shares the bibliomancy moment that recently happened to him that connected him to his purpose. He also explains why there’s magic in having conversations with strangers and people you’re not close with and how these create connections and a deep understanding of the uniqueness of each human being.

And now, on with the show!

From Adversity to Awakening with Stephan Spencer

Stephan Spencer GYO

It was such a treat to be a guest on New York Times bestselling author Anna David’s podcast, Launch Your Book.

In this episode, I talked about my journey from poverty and foster care to success and love. I shared some unbelievable life experiences that made me not just resilient, but antifragile. I also talked about my spiritual awakening, and how that tied in with me meeting my amazing wife, Orion.

I hope that this episode will inspire you to face your circumstances or struggles head on without fear so that you can achieve the success you want.

Measure What’s Important with Lee Benson

Lee Benson
“There’s no end to how well you can improve alignment, decisions, and accountability.”
Lee Benson

Business is a game, and any game you want to win needs a scoreboard. But what are you keeping score of? That, dear listener, is a really important question.

Once you’ve identified your company’s most critical metric, that most important number, you can align everyone to it and everyone will be on the same page. This will then guide future decision making and bring about accountability.

Joining me on today’s show is Lee Benson, the founder and CEO of Execute to Win, or ETW. He’ll be sharing his MIND Methodology. MIND is an acronym which stands for Most Important Number and Drivers. It’s a simple, sustainable system that improves business results through better alignment, decision making, and accountability. And you’re about to learn all about it!

If you want to accelerate your company’s growth, then this episode is for you!

The Future of AI with Howard Getson

Howard Getson
“When we evaluate how we think, learn, and know things, we tend to make better, smarter decisions and continue to raise the bar and improve performance.”
Howard Getson

According to Peter Diamandis, there are going to be two types of businesses at the end of this decade–businesses that use AI at their core and businesses that are out of business.

What type of business will you be in? Our guest today shares how you can use AI to expand your potential in a variety of ways.

Howard Getson is the founder and CEO of Capitalogix, a data science company using advanced AI to maximize performance with real-time insights. He also runs an algorithmic hedge fund powered by the Capitalogix platform and speaks at industry events across the globe.

In today’s episode, Howard gives a framework for how AI can be used to make your life better. Because AI can access limitless possible outcomes, it can help you find a solution you may have missed. Another great way to use AI is as an expert in a particular field that you might be lacking in. Of course, we also discuss the likelihood of AI becoming infinitely smarter than the smartest human alive. This episode is incredibly insightful, and you won’t want to miss it!

Hearing Business Strategies from God with Perry Marshall

Perry Marshall
“One of the great tragedies is that many people reduce God to a set of intellectual propositions. In reality, we’re only dimly approximating a biblical thought. We’re not defining it.”
Perry Marshall

Have you ever wondered whether God wants to be involved in all the asundry details of your life? Today’s guest has compiled a book of powerful stories that show how God gives people business strategies and ideas for their day-to-day lives.

Perry Marshall is one of the most expensive business strategists in the world. His reinvention of the Pareto Principle is published in Harvard Business Review, and his Google AdWords book laid the foundation for the $100 billion pay-per-click industry.

In today’s episode, Perry shares about the first time he heard from God and how it transformed his life. He explains the methods he has used since then to grow his ability to hear God’s voice. Perry also gives scientific evidence for paranormal occurrences and several book recommendations that will get your wheels turning. This episode may just make you reconsider what it means to communicate with God.

Cultivating Intentionality in Business with Allison Maslan

Allison Maslan
“The SCALEit Method is a holistic perspective with business, and it’s all the pieces in the company.”
Allison Maslan

If your business wouldn’t be able to survive without you, it’s time to build a self-managing and self-multiplying business. Our guest today gives practical tips for doing just that.

Allison Maslan is the WSJ Best Selling Author of Scale or Fail, endorsed by Daymond John and Barbara Corcoran. Allison has built 10 companies since age 19. She’s the founder of Pinnacle Global Network, where she and her team of mentors guide CEOs to scale their companies, fast-track their success, and create a more meaningful life.

In today’s episode, we discuss the power of intentionality and practicing gratitude in every aspect of business. Allison shares a miraculous story about how she inspired her clients to succeed in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. She also provides a glimpse into her meditation habits and how they have transformed her. This episode will empower you to make necessary changes in your business and in your life. And now, on with the show!


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