"Abilities come before control. Until we have control, our assets are perceived as liabilities."Dr. Kim Redman Life is a journey, and there are many paths from where you are to where you want to be. There will be many lessons that you need to learn because you were chosen to come to this particular life school known as Earth. My guest for this episode, Dr. Kim Redman, explains life's never-ending journey through ancient teachings and hard-core science. Dr. Kim is the founder of Creatrix Go Quantum, a revolutionary system where…

"To help as many people as possible connect to their intuition, find unconditional love and self-acceptance. I have learned that health, happiness, and even miracles are possible with these things."Katie Beecher A medical intuitive is a psychic who can receive information about what's going on inside the body of their client.  Or their own, for that matter. This is an area of paranormal ability that I have a keen interest in. Turns out you can learn this discipline and help yourself and others. I've been receiving ongoing private mentoring from…

"The time has come when every human being on the planet has the right and the chance to wake up and stop suffering forever. The truth is so simple!"Kai Schliebusch Crisis is the gateway to liberation. And our guest today, Kai Schliebusch, embodies that statement. He went through his own dark night of the soul, where he was depressed and suicidal, which led to a spiritual awakening and an understanding of his true self - his essence. Now, Kai is a spiritual teacher, speaker, author and life coach of modern…

"Dear God, bring through me whatever information is necessary for me to receive on this side of the veil."Andre Ferrella Would you like to know what your spirit guides look like? Well today’s guest, Andre Ferrella, can not only tell you, he can draw them for you in lifelike detail. He in fact has done that very thing for me and for my wife Orion. It was very cool! Andre Ferrella is a metaphysical fine artist, illustrator of the Kryon Oracle Deck, creator of The Spirit Box and the discoverer…

"The accident ultimately was an awakening because, even at a young age, I started looking at the world differently and not just accepting things."Dan LeFave Who wouldn't want to 10x their income with half the stress while getting 12 month goals done in 3 months? Intrigued? Well, keep listening, because my guest has the goods to help you pull it off. You'll become a better human by listening to this episode, too! Dan LeFave received life’s second chance after surviving a tragic accident that took three lives. He struggled through…

"The small self thinks; the true self knows. When you're in your knowing, there's no question."Paul Selig It's an honor and a joy to have the famed psychic and author Paul Selig back on the show. Paul is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. He has nine breakthrough works of channeled literature, including I Am the Word, The Book of Mastery, and the Beyond the Known Trilogy: Realization, Alchemy, and The Kingdom. A spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant.  Described as “a medium for…

"Quantum energy is difficult to understand, but the brain is also tricky to explain how it works scientifically."Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling is a coach, conscious entrepreneur, and energy healer. In parallel to a successful international business career (during which he worked as an executive for several well-known companies, including as Vice President at T-Mobile), he started to also see energy fields and got trained in past life work and shamanic healing. Philipp is also co-founder of  Leela Quantum Tech which offers technology that harnesses the healing power of quantum…

"We optimize three aspects of our lives: energy, work, and love."Brian Johnson If you want to perform at your best, if you want to make world-changing contributions,  and you want to learn from someone who's blazed that trail and turned it into a roadmap. then this is THE episode for you for 2022! My guest today is Brian Johnson. Brian is the creator of Optimize and the Founder and CEO of Heroic. He’s spent half of the last twenty-five years as a Founder/CEO and the other half as a Philosopher.…

"Reiki taught me that the cycle of life is part of a bigger cycle. The connection I feel in Reiki gives me this proof and a connection to awareness. I'm connected to something beyond physicality."Torsten Lange You are powerful! And your energy can affect others. You were born with the ability to heal yourself and all living things. One of the ways you can use your healing energy is by doing Reiki. Reiki is an amazing energy healing modality we’re going to learn about from one of the world-leading experts…

"The universe is not playing games with you. Instead, it wants you to learn, and it becomes easier and lighter when you learn it. But if you don't, it becomes very miserable."Vasundhra Gupta I came across today’s guest, Vasundhra Gupta, searching online for information on soul contracts. The article I found on her blog, called My Spiritual Shenanigans, was profound and very helpful to me. I knew immediately I needed to have her on my podcast. Vasundhra is a spiritual educator, author, and consciousness coach. She’s passionate about simplifying spirituality…

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