"Habits determine everything in your life whether you're rich or poor, happy or unhappy, or at peace or in shape. It all boils down to the habits you cultivate." David Henzel Some people talk about changing their lives, but they lack the tools to get them unstuck. Then there are people who manage to change their sleep habits, diet, and move to a different country for an optimized lifestyle. My guest for this episode, David Henzel, is that guy. He is an inspiring serial entrepreneur. He has started, as well…
"Normal is continually changing. Things will not go back to how they were before this pandemic. The world is changing, and so should our human ways." Mike Vardy Today, as I’m recording this, it’s World Productivity Day. And no, I didn’t make that up. As a productivity enthusiast, I took massive action yesterday and convinced Mike “The Productivityist” Vardy to join me for a livestream which we just finished broadcasting on Facebook. We covered topics as diverse as fear versus will, feeding the soil versus feeding the plants, modeling instead…
"Stick to what suits your preferences best. If a productivity system or hack doesn’t work for you, you'll probably try it a week and then stop." Darius Foroux We live in a world of distractions—social media, phone calls, emails, and constant news updates on the new normal we’ve all been living with the last three or four months. The subject we’re delving into today is so relatable—whether you’re working at home for the first time, or you have an idea or a project you really want to start but you’re…
I’m sure everyone has probably had the frustrating experience of not being able to remember important things--whether they’re facts, names, or just information that feels like it’s at the tip of your tongue, but somehow it’s inaccessible. My guest today, Ron White, is a two-time national memory champion. He held the record for the fastest to memorize a deck of shuffled cards in only 1 minute and 27 seconds. As a memory expert, Ron has given talks all over the world from Zimbabwe to Milan. He has appeared on Good…
I'm committed to revealing light in the world in everything I do, including this podcast. I believe revealing light is in large part the reason why I'm here on this earth. But as my guest today, Jeff Goins so aptly puts it, every light casts a shadow. Jeff and I discussed how often we end up chasing the shadows rather than chasing the light. It's easy to focus on your social media persona or keeping up with the neighbors, especially when that new Tesla shows up in their driveway. But…
Elite performers aren’t overnight successes. Achieving and sustaining peak performance is not for the faint of heart. Or put another way, if you want the glory, you gotta have the guts to earn it. Whether you’re a prodigy, entrepreneur, athlete, author, celebrity, or C suite executive, you can’t reach your full potential without great mentors and without a reliable, high-performing team of people surrounding you who have your back. And if you’re gearing up for an influential, significant, and meaningful kind of life, you should be equipped with the right…
Can you believe it? 2020 is nearly upon us. It’s crazy how time flies! If you take this season to reflect on the past 12 months and plan for what’s coming, today’s episode might just help you achieve those lofty New Year’s resolutions. Who doesn’t want to live a better life? Whether it’s a job promotion you’re eyeing, a startup you’re building, or a diet you’re following, the feeling of overcoming challenges and becoming a better version of yourself is something determined individuals constantly strive for. But let’s be real,…
Way back in the 90s, in the early days of my first startup, Netconcepts, I read a book that changed how I viewed the information technology revolution. It was called Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut. I never forgot that book. In fact, I recently looked up the author to see what he's up to these days. And what came out of that was well, this episode number 219. It's my pleasure to welcome to the show my guest today, David Shenk. He's author not only of the book Data…
Put down that phone! How many times a day do you find yourself scrolling Instagram or Facebook? If you are hopelessly addicted, don't feel too bad. These apps are designed to get you hooked and keep you coming back for more. You're just one of the millions who spend their days staring at a screen. But to believe that these apps have figured out some magic formula that we will never be able to escape is simply not true. It turns out that, instead, they've just learned to manipulate our…