"Reflect on the world outside you and then the universe within to discover far greater insights than you can perceive with your senses."Rafael Andrade You know, if you've been a listener of mine for any length of time, that I'm a geek when it comes to optimizing health and performance. So anytime I can chat with an inspiring expert in the field of biohacking, I jump at the chance! Today's guest, Rafael Andrade, left behind a 24-year engineering career to start a venture aimed at helping others improve their lives.…

"Sleep is based on performance, much like running or any other sport. To excel at it, you need the right equipment—a comfortable mattress, pillows, and a conducive sleep environment." Dr. Michael Breus Sleep: it's essential to every process in the body, affecting our metabolism, physical and mental functioning, and our ability to fight disease as well as develop immunity. My guest, Dr. Michael Breus, is an incredible pioneer in the field of sleep. We are in a mastermind together called M.E.T.A.L. that you might have heard me talk about before.…

"Style goes beyond following trends or dressing like others. It's about understanding how your clothing can enhance or sabotage your presence. "Delia Folk & Alison Bruhn There's an old proverb that how you do one thing is how you do everything. If that's true, being sloppy with how you dress can be extrapolated to your output at work. Today's guests, fashion experts Delia and Alison, assert that your personal style, i.e., how you present yourself, is a reflection of who you are. As such, it shouldn't be treated lightly. Delia…

"When you shift your perspective and choose faith and soul consciousness over fear, you unlock a new lens through which everything in life transforms — the past, the present, and the meaning of your entire journey."Rhonda Britten One of the greatest gifts in life is finding and living your true purpose. For today’s guest, that path was found through extreme trauma. Rhonda Britten was orphaned at age 14 after witnessing both of her parents die. She shut down and lost hope, and for the next two decades was in a…

"Quiet moments will lead to positive life transformation. It allows you to tune in and connect with your inner truth."Elaine Glass My guest on today’s show has a superpower: she is a deep listener. Listening may not seem like a very exciting quality, but when you’re in tune with the universe and yourself, and you can get quiet, a world of possibilities is there for you. Elaine Glass is a seeker of deep meaning in life. She intuitively knew that finding quiet places within her own mind and environment would…

"No one knows when their game of life will end. That’s why it’s important to embrace and play the game to your fullest ability."Tim Ringgold Surviving addiction and deep personal loss has given my guest on today's show a pretty profound perspective on this journey we call life. Tim Ringgold is a board-certified music therapist, author, and award-winning international speaker. He was the first person to give a TEDx talk on music therapy in 2012, and over the years, he's shared the TED stage with some of the top minds…

"Being on masterminds is not about networking. It is investing in yourself to grow in different aspects of life."Amy Jo Ellis This may sound fantastical to you, but there are court cases that take place up in the Heavens, and you can call them into session. It may sound adversarial to think you can haul someone you're in conflict with into spiritual court, but with a positive intent, you'll bring about some miraculous outcomes. This is called the Court of Atonement, and pretty much all cases end up settling. That's…

"The Soul Alignment System aligns your subconscious mind with your goals to help you accomplish your greatest goals without inner resistance."Dr. Pamela Moss If you want to hear a great story of how an atheist went through an awakening and became a spiritual entrepreneur, you're in the right place. My guest today is Dr. Pamela Moss, the author of the international bestseller, The Soul Guide to a Magical Life. She's also the host of Soul Alignment System to help entrepreneurs create "miracle" results - like going from 6 months of…

"Spiral Dynamics has emerged as a way to explore human nature and dynamics that allow us to experience transformative growth."Natasha Todorovic-Cowan If you've been listening to my show for any length of time, you probably know that I'm a huge proponent of personality assessments: Kolbe, PRINT, StrengthsFinder, Enneagram, DISC, you name it, I've probably tried it, and I've figured out how to leverage the findings in my life and business. One assessment tool that I became aware of from Tony Robbins seminars a decade ago was Spiral Dynamics. Tony loves…

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