This is an extremely exciting episode. I have been working for years to get today’s guest Donny Epstein on the show. In 2012, I experienced his healing modalities first hand, and it was a game changer for me. My amazing wife Orion was also there and I invited her on the show to share what it was like working with Donny. She believes that Donny’s work can transform your life, and everyone who is open to it should really give it a try. We have both experienced entrainments from Donny…

In a world obsessed with five and ten-year plans, it’s easy to get so caught up in the big picture that you forget to take the smaller steps you need to get there. Believe it or not, any goal you make should only be 90 days out. Research around procrastination and avoidant behavior indicate that goals further out than this create high levels of avoidant behavior. While it’s important to keep the big picture in mind, sticking to concrete, 90-day goals helps you stay focused on getting there. "Doing more…

If you think that high status is the key to professional success, a longer life, better health, and better personal and professional relationships, think again. It’s not actually high status that’s the key, but rather likability. Unlike high-status people, likable people aren’t aggressive. Instead, they’re focused on making everyone feel heard, important, included, and valued. One way to do this is to pay attention to the amount of time you spend focused on others rather than yourself. "Likeability, not status, predict longer lives, better health, and better relationships" Mitch Prinstein…

When those of us who don’t suffer from anxiety or panic attacks hear about others having them, it’s easy to minimize the experience. We might think a panic attack just feels like a few minutes of extreme stress, which we’ve all been through! In fact, a true panic attack can be far more intense. Imagine being fine one moment and completely disoriented the next. Picture having difficulty breathing and intense vision distortions. Your heart is pounding, you’re covered in sweat, and you’re terrified that you’re literally dying. "Anxiety can present…

Lots of people focus on one area of life at a time. They might try to create wealth, lose weight, get into shape, or create and maintain relationships . You don’t achieve success by chasing after one or two things with intent. Instead, true success comes from creating balance across different areas of your life. Regardless of your professional role or personal life, it’s likely that you’re suffering from a lack of balance. If you’re ready to achieve that balance, this is the episode for you! My guest, Arman Sadeghi,…

Take a moment to think about how you identify yourself. Do you identify as your body, your job, your possessions, your friends and enemies, or your point of view? For example, someone who identifies as their job might call themselves a doctor or a lawyer. Someone who identifies as their viewpoint might say they are a Democrat or a Republican.  Identifying yourself like this can lead to great suffering in the constantly changing world. Freedom comes when you realize that you’re part of the process of impermanence. What you are…

There is an all-encompassing energy that consumes our entire world and all of life. When that light is revealed, we experience blessings and fulfillment. When it’s concealed, we experience darkness and suffering. That light can be divided into two categories: the light of wisdom and the light of mercy. The light of wisdom is raw energy that we all experience and desire whereas the light of mercy is our own personal energy or effort to transform ourselves. When you transform your nature for the better, your light of mercy becomes…

The key to ethically influencing people is to leave everything (and everyone) better than you found it. Make sure that you aren’t rationalizing the things that you want if they aren’t actually good for the other people involved. Today’s guest is an expert on influencing people. In fact, his ability to talk his way into (and out of) just about any situation saved his life after he traveled through war zones and was kidnapped twice. Jordan is fascinated by influence and he has interviewed world-famous people at the top of…

Fear sets up a dam across creative impulse, and doesn’t let anything through except fear itself. (And, as you’ll learn, fear takes a great deal of creativity in its own right!) Just as fear knows how to grow itself, creativity knows how to grow itself too. By focusing on creativity, you can become more creative. By focusing on desire, expectation, and imagination, you can find unbridled, unimpeded creativity flowing through you more powerfully than you ever thought was possible. You’ll learn all about this, and much more, with Barnet Bain…

Take a moment and think of a monster that you’ve figured out how to slay in your life. This might be an obstacle that you’ve overcome or a fear that you’ve faced. Now think of all the other people who are still trying to fight these battles. As a speaker, you can help people find the least painful path to victory in their battles. This perspective will not only help your audience stay engaged, but also change how they see the world. Tamsen Webster, an acclaimed keynote speaker, idea whisperer,…

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