Emotional Range, Awakenings, And Brain Training with Dominick Quartuccio

You are about to get some coaching and mentorship on raising performance, short-circuiting burnouts and eliminating drift. If you ask, “What the heck is that?” You are about to find out. It’s a crucial concept. My guest and your coach in this episode number 158 is Dominick Quartuccio. As an international keynote speaker, trainer, executive coach and author of the book, Design Your Future, Dominick works with the best of the best. Those who have an insatiable desire to achieve more and continuously improve themselves.

Dominick Quartuccio
“It’s only when an outside force thrusts itself upon us that we wake up from our slumber making it the most transformative moments of our life.”
Dominick Quartuccio

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Finding God in Quantum Physics with Amit Goswami

We live in a world where much of science insists that the world is limited to its physical, measurable aspects, and that there is nothing supernatural beyond that. Mystics, on the other hand, largely ignore the role of science and try to explain the world purely through spirituality. It’s all too rare to combine science and spirituality in a compelling way, but that’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this episode. We’ll go down the rabbit hole to a place where quantum physics, consciousness, and mysticism all meet.

Our guide into this fascinating and unknown realm is the remarkable Dr. Amit Goswami. Amit pioneered the idea of “science within consciousness,” which he explores in The Self-Aware Universe. In his private life, Amit is a practitioner of spirituality and transformation.

Amit Goswami
“You have to get creative in order to connect with the oneness”
Amit Goswami

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Finding a Higher Level Consciousness Through Extreme Biohacking and Spirituality, Part 1 of 2 with Luke Storey

Luke Storey
“Once I made the decision to go from a fashion stylist to a life stylist, I found my real passion.”
Luke Storey

Most of us stop believing in Santa Claus when we’re children. But what if believing in him as an adult enhanced (rather than detracted from) our lives? Because we are fundamentally unable to access ultimate truth, we shouldn’t think of our beliefs as true or false. Rather, we should view our beliefs as either empowering or disempowering. Choosing empowering beliefs leads to an empowered life!

Luke Storey explores this concept as well as many others in an episode that is a fascinating combination of biohacking and spirituality. We’ll talk about extreme higher-level consciousness topics as well as extreme self-experimentation. In addition to being a master in both of these realms, Luke is the host of the Life Stylist Podcast. In fact, he was one of the first guests on Get Yourself Optimized in an episode about fashion. Talking to him about biohacking and spirituality was fascinating and this is one of my favorite episodes. I think it’ll be one of your favorites too!

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Getting Clear About Your Calling with Jeffrey Van Dyk

Jeffrey Van Dyk
“Your calling will ask you to become the fullest, most powerful, and most expanded version of yourself.”
Jeffrey Van Dyk

Each and every one of us has wounding childhood experiences, which are fundamentally confusing at their core. From an evolutionary standpoint, we’re unable to blame our parents, which leads us to blame ourselves. As a result, we can feel unworthy, unlovable, inferior, and unwanted. These feelings set us up for an epic battle that can last for the rest of our lives; the battle of yourself versus your beliefs.

If you’re ready to overcome that battle and step into your life’s legacy, this is the episode for you! My guest, Jeffrey Van Dyk, is both an insightful expert in personal development and a powerful, inspiring speaker. You are destined for greatness, and Jeffrey will help you get there!

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Transform Your Relationship With Money with DC Cordova

What’s the secret to becoming financially wealthy? Many of us relentlessly pursue the almighty dollar but fail to get rich. As you’ll learn in this powerful episode, you have to let go of your attachment to money and focus on solving the world’s problems in order to secure more wealth. Money is a manifestation of energy and it needs to be treated and respected accordingly.

Here to explain all this is the remarkable Dame DC Cordova. DC is the CEO of Excellerated Business Schools, which boasts over 100,000 graduates and helps entrepreneurs create meaningful businesses  that solve problems and make money. I took her excellent seminar Money & You a couple years ago. It was so powerful and had such an impact that I just had to bring her on the show to share her perspective and abundant wisdom with you.

DC Cordova
“Embrace your humanism and become in love with the world.”
DC Cordova

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Living Your Purpose with Karen Hoyos

Karen Hoyos was a victim of domestic violence who overcame incredible adversity to reach where she is today — and, in fact, sees her past struggles as a blessing, as she explains in this episode. She has become a celebrity coach and speaker with over 25,000 graduates from her seminars. Her impressive list of clients includes Harvard University, the United Nations, the New York Times, and many more. All this came from letting go of control and giving in to faith, and she explains in this conversation how all of us can make space for miracles and transformation.

Karen Hoyos
“In essence, we are all the same. In essence, we are one. Anything else besides that is ego.”
Karen Hoyos

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Create Balance and Manifest Your Ideal Life with Danelle Magtibay

Life transformations happen when we take control and choose our path for the future. You can decide what you want from life, and manifest that reality. Our emotions, fears, and even our ego can get in the way of happiness, and life coach Danelle Magtibay shares how to change these factors into a force that is bringing you happiness. Rewrite your story and decide the outcome of your life. We discuss how our unconscious brain affects our belief system, how to live a higher quality of life, how to end suffering and more.

Danelle Magtibay
“‏‏If you want money to come to you, open your heart and love someone. And while your heart is open, guess what? Love, money, health, and spirit will come flowing back in.”
Danelle Magtibay

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Manifest Your Dream Relationship to Reinvent Your Life with Renee Piane

We often dwell upon achieving our dream life-bettering our career, earning more income, and having an amazing relationship with our soulmate. What if you could achieve all of that by using a tool as simple as a vision board that would inspire you to take action? You could find true love through picturing your dream life, or relight the spark in your current relationship and remember why you fell in love. Today, dating pioneer Renee Piane shares her secrets on keeping partners happy, finding love, and opening yourself up to amazing relationships.

Renee Piane
“Most of us are too busy working and thinking that once we become this Wonder Woman or Superman, love is just going to knock at our door. Get out of your house, go into the sunshine, rejuvenate yourself, go take some breaks, and go have lunch.”
Renee Piane

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Question Your Thoughts and Beliefs to End Suffering with Byron Katie

Byron Katie
“The more we question our judgments, the kinder we become. I think love is the power, so that’s my interest and that’s my invitation.”
Byron Katie

Is it possible that any pain and suffering you feel is just a projection of your mind, and can be ended, for good? Byron Katie’s method, The Work, has helped countless people around the nation to live happier, more peaceful lives, and she believes that everyone can apply her method to create change. We discuss how to end pain and suffering, learning to forgive and find peace, how to become open to change and more.

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