Your Superfood Cheat Sheet with David “Avocado” Wolfe

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Hosted By Stephan Spencer
David "Avocado" Wolfe


Living in the information age comes with a price. That price is overwhelm. We are drowning in data, and we desperately want to know who and what we can trust online. Especially when it comes to high stakes issues, such as our health and longevity. It’s important to be discerning, to not simply accept conventional wisdom, and to assess the incentives that may influence a health expert’s position on a topic. One of the biggest factors in our health is the food we eat. Honestly, how much of what you consume is nutrition-dense? Hey, I’m guilty too. But armed with some new, well-curated information, you’re about to get healthier, my friend. That’s because my guest for this episode 226 is David "Avocado" Wolfe.

"We're not going to be protected by our government from the chemicals that are being thrown at us in food and everyday products in the market. It’s up to us to take matters into our own hands."
David "Avocado" Wolfe

He's a nutritionist, a super foodist, an orator, an herbalist, a chocolatier, and an organic farmer. You probably heard his name before, but if you haven't, he's a big deal on social media. He has a following on Facebook of 12 million. He's the Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity space. David has over 25 years of experience, and he’s hosted 3000 live health events. I’m excited for you, because you are about to become a superfoods aficionado. Let’s get on with it

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Great to have you on the show. Thank you for being here, David.

Thank you so much. I guess it starts for me with farming. I’m back in Southern California right now, just for a brief little stay. This is where it all started for me in 1978, growing citrus and avocado trees. It’s amazing, the quality of sunlight here in Southern California for citrus fruit and avocados, in particular.

So you’re big into avocados. It’s actually in your name. Why? Do you want to share the story behind that?

I came to Southern California from New York in the mid-70s, coming with my uncle. My uncle moved out here. My uncle works for a fast-food restaurant chain. He was the head of food maker for Jack In The Box restaurants. They moved here from St. Louis after San Diego, where the food maker was located. He bought a ranch out in East San Diego, so we came out here with him in 1977 and we started planting citrus. Then in 1978, that summer was the first summer of planting avocados. That’s where it started for me.

That’s awesome. What is your favorite avocado? Is it the Hass?

No. I mean, I love Hass avocados and I love avocados of all types. Even the watery, wet ones, and the stringy ones that people hate. I still can find some redeeming value on those. My favorite are the Guatemalan highland avocados. The big, globe, oily avocados that have that wonderful flavor that we like from Hass avocados. We like oily avocados, but even better and more.

If you are to advise our listener, to go to a particular grocery store and get a particular type of avocado, what would it be? Can you just go to Whole Foods and get the reed avocado? Or do you have to go somewhere special to get it? Is reed the one that you would recommend, or something else? 

I like reeds. Reeds are a good example of a highland Guatemalan Avocado. They’re fascinating, because they’re big, oily, and delicious. That’s the one to look for, or sometimes they call them cannonball avocados. Outside of the reach of Southern California, they’re hard to find. You might want to ask your health store or grocery store, where we shop and say, “Hey, could you get more different kinds of avocados?” Sometimes they can. It’s good to expand your avocado palette.

Recently in my 40s, I started eating avocados. I missed out my whole adult life and childhood for the most part, but now, I’m making up for it. These days, I make these avocado shakes that have everything is organic, organic avocado, organic spinach, persian cucumbers, half a lemon peel, almond milk, and I think that’s about it. You can add a little stevia to sweeten it but I don’t. It’s great. It tastes delicious. It’s healthy and good. I recommend that. A little disclaimer here, that’s not medical advice or anything. None of this is medical advice. Consult your doctor. All standard disclaimers applied. I’ve found it’s really rejuvenating and reinvigorating for myself, personally.

Epic, awesome. I love those little formulas. I’m still a guacamole addict after all these years. Yesterday, pretty much only guacamole all day. I do like to use a little avocado in my smoothies, but I’m more of a guacamole person.

Okay, do you have chefs with that?

No. Yesterday, my mom made me guacamole. I went to her house and we had guacamole with eggplant. My mom loves eggplant, Persian cooking. We had peppers, cucumbers, and vegetables to dip in.

We're not going to be protected by our government from the chemicals that are being thrown at us in food and everyday products in the market. It’s up to us to take matters into our own hands. Share on X

Isn’t it true that if you fry chips, like tortilla chips in oil, you’re taking all the goodness away from having the healthy avocado with the unhealthy fried fats with it?

Well, you have to be careful of the oils they’re using. Canola oil is one that we’ve talked about before, it sneaks in and definitely wants to watch out for because it’s too high in Omega-6. You’re going to end up 20 times the Omega-6 than you need. Just be careful with that. I’d go for more not cooked in oil but baked, if you’re going to eat chips. There are so many great raw food crackers out there these days.

What would be an example of one?

I like Lydia’s crackers. Lydia’s crackers are available on most of the western side of America and major health food store chains. My favorite is the almond nori crackers which she makes. It’s got a little bit of seaweed in it and almond flour. It’s just delicious and not cooked in oil. It’s one of those products that have free of every list of like, no sugar, no GMO, no chemicals, no all of those things. It’s really hilarious what it comes to. I’ve known Lydia for 20 years and she’s a stickler for quality. That’s my favorite personal raw cracker.

Estrogeneration by Dr. Anthony Jay

That’s awesome. Let’s talk about oils, for a minute. There’s avocado oil. That’s a good healthy oil, depending on how it’s been processed, my understanding at least. Coconut oil is better for cooking than olive oil. I learned that from several people. I just talked with Dr. Anthony Jay, who’s the author of Estrogeneration, it’s the name of the book.

That’s it, that’s right.

Are you familiar with that book?

My cousin has it over here on the shelf. I was looking at it the other day, I was like,  “I should grab that.” I ended up grabbing five other books but that one was nagging at me, so I’ll take a look at it.

He’s great. I interviewed him. We’ve talked about all sorts of fun stuff, including activated charcoal. I know you’re a fan of that. Do you want to say something about activated charcoal, while we’re on it?

Of all things, I realized some years ago, we’re not going to be protected by our government from the chemicals that are being thrown on us, like glyphosate. Look at what happened to that and DTT. Eventually, I realized, “Okay, what could we do to empower people that is really an effective detoxifier that has such a long history of use?” As I started digging into activated charcoal, I was literally astounded by what I found out.

Activated charcoal is the number one longevity substance in animal research ever discovered. That’s a really profound statement. Meaning that like olive oils have a known longevity substance. In animals, it typically extends by 9%-18% and humans too, which is very high and very unusual. You’re not going to beat that with Resveratrol. I love Resveratrol. I think it’s an amazing and interesting color pigment. Actually, it’s a yellow color pigment, but mostly hard to absorb. In research, you’re lucky if you get a 7% increase in lifespan with Resveratrol. Olive oil, 9%-18%, that’s profound. But with activated charcoal, you’re hitting numbers of 21% up to 47% increase in lifespan.

Just to put that on a context, if I say some percentage, people are like, “What does that mean?” It means if we had lived naturally, normally, no industry, we had a proper diet, we would get a 100 years. That what I think is really the natural lifespan of a human being in a perfect situation. If you were able to extend the lifespan of a human being, which is 21%, which is activated charcoal is known to do in animal consistently,  that’s 121 years. Let’s say, 30%, which is very common again in animal research. Frolkis, the Russian gerontologist was extending life span consistently of animals by 34% with activated charcoal, even as high as 41%, even 43% in his research. Another research even got to 47%. That means 134 years to a human being in terms of the corollary.

I’ve had Dave Asprey on the show and he plans to live to 180. Also, Nick Delgado plans to live to 180, too. He was also on the show. I don’t know if you’re familiar with them.

I know both of them. This is crazy, I actually went to school with Dave Asprey. We knew each other in college. What was interesting about that is, he lived in the same building as me. We didn’t have the same class together but we met in the building. He is a serial entrepreneur, it’s probably the best way to describe him. He was always trying to sell me something. I remember buying some Halloween shirts from him. I didn’t put it all together until one day I was interviewing him and I said, “Dave, where are you from?” He’s like, “I went to school in Sta. Barbara.” I was like, “Where?” Next thing I know, he pulls out a picture of what he looked like back then, because he was a 100-pound overweight. I think you have a similar story.

Right, I wasn’t that overweight, I was just really old looking. I looked 20 years older, and this was a decade ago if you look at the photos. Listeners, if you’re interested, you haven’t seen the before photo, go to my about page on getyourselfoptimized.com, your jaw will drop. I guarantee it. I looked 20 years older than I do now, and that was a decade ago. Pretty wild.

Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium.

Good job. That’s what Dave Asprey did. He reversed aged himself. He looked terrible in college but he was on junk food and stuff.

He was suffering from toxic mold exposure.

Absolutely, but I remembered him. I was like, “Oh, I remember you.”  It was interesting how long we’ve known each other.

That’s funny, small world.

This is interesting. How things crossover the interactions that we have with people over the years. It’s fascinating.

There are no coincidences, I believe that. You mentioned Omega-6 when you were talking about canola oil, having way too much Omega-6. There needs to be a balance in terms of Omega-3 to Omega-6 to Omega-9. I actually talked a lot about this in an episode with Udo Erasmus. Do you know who Udo is? 

Old friend. That’s another amazing synchronous life. I’ve known Udo for over 20 years.

You probably have a huge, who’s who list of my past guest here. Like, “Oh yeah, a good friend of mine. Yeah, I’ve known him for 20 years. Oh yeah, I’ve known her for 20 years. ” How about JJ Virgin?

I know JJ Virgin very well, pretty much all of them.

We had an episode conversation about sugar. That was awesome.

Nice. I’ve been at this for 25 years. You can imagine over the years, you cross paths in a lot of the characters in this field, which is really exciting and fun-filled. Not exactly what the establishment wants but our powers are increasing and improving, because more and more people are realizing the sense of it. It just makes a lot of sense. It’s like, “Hey, we rather have food that doesn’t have chemicals on it than food that does.”

Exactly. This idea of getting more Omega-3s than Omega-6s, why is that important? To what degree do we need to get more of the Omega-3s?

Great question. The Omega-3 and Omega-6 does have to do with cell membranes. If we’re paying attention to Bruce Lipton’s work, it has a lot to do with the intelligence of the cell and intelligence in general. Our skin is like the corollary. Our skin actually emerges in the embryonic state out of our nervous system. The skin is an extension of our nervous system.

That’s how we can think about cells is that the cell membrane is an extension of the nervous system to some degree. If you have too much Omega-6, the cell turns into gum. It becomes gummier and gluey. The information, nutrients, and especially sugar, can’t get into the cells so it started bouncing.

That’s when we get hypoglycemia and that can cascade dangerously into a syndrome, not really a disease, but a syndrome that we call diabetes type 2, which has a lot to do with too much Omega-6. Not entirely do but a lot to do, because the sugar can’t get into the cell. Because the cell is so gummed up. What we have to do is, we have to get the Omega-3 in. We also have to get better quality oils, so that if we have Omega-6, it’s not rancid. Canola oil for example, with the processing, cooking, heating, not only are we getting too much Omega-6, but it’s rancid Omega-6.

Essentially, it’s been bleached and “drano-ed” that oil and make it all pretty, pristine, and easy to see through. So unhealthy.

It’s the worst. Just be on the lookout for canola oil. My assistant will not allow me to have anything in my body that has any canola oil on it whatsoever, any ingredient at any level ever. I have watchdogs like that. That’s always good to have someone watching for you, like that. I eat mostly raw foods anyway, so it’s never really an issue. If we’re at Whole Foods and we’re getting some dish that’s already pre-made, like a premade salad with oil on it, and it turns out that the salad dressing had canola oil on it, I was like, “Oh, I can’t have it.”

I also noticed that at Whole Foods and a lot of these food bars at healthy “places” is that, a lot of the food is not even organic. You’ll get the spinach or the lettuce, that’s organic, but the tomatoes or beets aren’t. That’s not good.

It’s not. It’s crazy. That’s the dark side of the capitalistic system. In order for capitalism to really work, you need an education. Otherwise, it’s all going to be made some cheaper, and there’s going to be a lot of corners cut. That brings me really to the next issue, what we should really talk about, which is Omega-3 fatty acids and how important they are and how much quality concerns we have there as well.

More and more people realize that food shouldn’t have chemicals in it. Food has been and should always be unprocessed and natural. Share on X

I really recommend hemp seed oil for ALA. There’s really three Omega-3, you really need three of them, DHA, ALA, and EPA. ALA is terrestrial, it comes from seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, and the oil is important. People say, “No, no, I’m getting enough from my food.” I’ve known people who got into raging Omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies who ate Omega-3 rich foods every day but didn’t get the oil.

Right. I learned about this, that if you get flaxseed oil, or you put chia seeds on your salads, the oil is trapped inside the seeds, so you gotta break the seeds open to get to the oil. You get this coffee grinder, you put your flax seeds in there. Grind up the flax, so that it opens up the oil for you, then that goes into your smoothie.

That’s a much better way to guarantee you’re going to get the oil. A lot of them would go through you because you didn’t crack the shell of the chia seed or flaxseed. Omega-3 has three of them, there’s a terrestrial one, and two marine in origin. We might have gotten confused about that, we’re like, “Wait a second, what about fish oil versus hemp seed oil?” You actually need both.

Obviously, I’m a vegetarian, I don’t eat fish. What do I do? I go to algae because that’s where the fish gets it from. The algae in the basis of the whole food chain anyway. Especially, the phytoplankton, chlorophyll-rich algae, some of the highest protein food in the world. That’s why whales eat it. Also, rich in Omega-3, many are rich in DHA and/or EPA. Through that, we can get real fish oil but more from the source. I think my mind is more ethical. You can grow algae, get your own Omega-3 fatty acids. You’ll have no worries about plastics in the ocean, or mercury, or whatever else is going on.

Yes. There’s this brand of these oils, they have fish oils. If you’re a pescatarian, you eat fish, but you don’t eat meat, then you can get Nordic Naturals. Instead of the capsules being made with animal beef gelatin, it could be made with fish gelatin. They also have the algae kind if you’re vegetarian and not pescatarian. You can get your Omega-3 that way. What do you think of Nordic Naturals as a brand, is that pretty good?

I stopped promoting brands that I don’t really know the story behind it because I’ve been burned so many times.

Because you almost have to go inspect their facilities.

I have inspected some facilities. There’s a cod liver oil operation in Iceland called Dropi, where I have inspected their facility and their world-class operation, their cool operations. Unless I’ve inspected their facility, I can’t say. I’ve been burned a few times. I was like, “Yeah. It seems like a good brand,” then I found out it wasn’t. 

All right. Okay, that makes sense. Alternatives to canola oil that you recommend, like avocado oil.

Olive oil. If you want something straight down the middle, tried and true, known longevity substance, go for a good quality olive oil. I have a few that I recommend. My friends in Crete, in Greece, have their brand. There’s a good one in California, too. The Bariani Olive Oil in California, Acropolis Olive Oil in Crete, and Kanakis Olive Oil out of the Peloponnese region of Greece.

Those are some of my favorites. They’re not the only good ones, there are many good ones, but those are the ones that I like. I have seen their facilities and I know exactly what they’re doing. I’m very happy with those brands.

Great. I would be remiss to not ask you about vinegar. You have that oil and vinegar on your salad. What kind of vinegar would you recommend? Does it matter if it’s apple cider vinegar or white vinegar? What are some brands that you are familiar with?

One thing I do is we make our own vinegar because on my farm we also have the apple trees. I have a farm in Ontario, Canada. I have a farm in Hawaii. We do make apple cider vinegar at home. I like Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar. It’s a go-to, that’s easy. I’m a big fan of Patricia. I’ve known Patricia for 25 years. She’s still going, she’s the heir of the Bragg empire. Paul Bragg was a very close and dear friend of mine.

We can do that story one day, and what really happened to Paul Bragg. He did not die in a surfing accident. Actually, he went in another way, which we should do a show on. Paul Bragg was the Jack LaLanne of his time. He was The Guru in California of health and he lived in 94, a very amazing guy. His apple cider vinegar is really good.

Acropolis Olive Oil, those guys in Crete, they have a 4000 years old olive tree on their farm by the way, maybe one of the oldest olive trees in the world, maybe the oldest. It’s a neat thing to see. They also have balsamic vinegar, that I really like. It’s my favorite. It just depends on what you’re into.

If you really want the classic, old, European balsamic, Italian style, or Greek-style, go with Acropolis, or some Italian brand that you like. If you like just a straight-up apple cider vinegar, Bragg is a really good one. It’s straight down the middle. The white vinegar is a little too refined for my taste. I don’t like them.

Okay, got it. I want to circle back on a couple of things that you said earlier. One was, you had mentioned Bruce Lipton. What is it about Bruce Lipton’s research or his recommendations that you most want our listener to get from this interview?

Another good friend of mine, Bruce Lipton. What I love about is what he has done with his books and his research. He vindicated Lamarck and Lamarckism. Lamarck was an epigeneticist from the French Revolution time, back then. He was slandered and thrown over the bus. Then later, he was vindicated because it turns out, in science for the last 40 years, genetics is not really what it’s about.

It’s about epigenetics, which means that you have your genetic code and based on epigenetic triggers sunlight, happiness, food, quality, types of food you’re eating, nutrients, etc. Certain unique molecules, you can flip on genetics that is good for you, or you can flip on genetics that is bad for you. That’s called upregulation or downregulation. You want to upregulate all the good genes.

The doomsday reports that we got are like, “You’ve got his genes, you’re done for,” didn’t pan out. That turned out to be a false world view. Lamarck was vindicated. He was an epigeneticist and that is just the standard in science now. Nobody really believes at that level of research, that genetics is a death sentence, it’s just what you got. Then you’re going to try to flip on all the good stuff and turn off the bad stuff by lifestyle essentially. Also, the way you think and where you position yourself spiritually, too, has a big effect.

All right. It’s a combination of nature and nurture.


Okay, that’s Bruce Lipton. I’ve heard really good things about him from other guests and just my own research. The other thing I want to circle back too was, we were talking about diabetes. It starts with being hypoglycemic. That’s what you’re talking about. Hypoglycemia then can turn into.


Chocolates contain some iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium as well as vitamin E and B vitamins.

State. Where does this diagnosis, or this label of prediabetic, or prediabetes fit into the equation?

Hypoglycemia is basically what you’re asking me about. How do we get on top of it quickly and go, “Oh my God, I’m hypoglycemic? This can get cascading and get worse.” If you have a good physician, if you work with somebody that knows what they’re doing, they can catch it early and give you the right recommendations to send the whole thing backward. I worked with Dr. Gabriel Cousens for 20 years. We know that diabetes type 2 is really a syndrome. It’s not really a disease. It’s just an insult on injury, upon injury, upon insult, over and over. 

It’s a thousand cuts.

Yeah. It’s fatal. It’s like that straw that finally gets you. Once you start getting the markers, you got to start pushing it back the other way. One of the key ways to do that is to get the Omega-3 and also do a detox, cleanse, and sponge your system and get the glue out. When we become conscious about food, as you have, I’m sure, you realize that, “ Oh, I’m not going to eat that. That food was going to sit like glue, or it’s going to stick to our ribs.” We have these phrases for a reason.

Eventually, we get glued up, or we get calcified. What occurs is, the sugar can’t get into the cell. That’s one of the major symptoms, so it balances it out. Then, we have to use insulin to bring that to control the blood sugar. On an initial insulin response, there can be an overreaction, that’s hypoglycemia. What if there’s an underreaction, due to a repeated overreaction, that’s diabetes. Eventually, your body can’t control blood sugar.

Is it possible to reverse diabetes?

Absolutely. Diabetes type 2 and some types of type 1, in my experience, because I’ve known a couple of people who have reversed type 1. I don’t necessarily believe that type 1 is all one disease. It’s probably 20 different conditions that are all lumped together and be called diabetes type 1. That’s just a simplification of what’s really going on. It’s an oversimplification. Diabetes type 2 is definitely a syndrome and can be reversed with lifestyle, in particular, dietary changes.

Right. What would be the three most impactful things that somebody could do if they are diabetic already, or maybe just prediabetic at the cusp of it, potentially?

The number one thing is to get the Omega-3 fatty acids in and stop the rancid Omega-6 from coming in. We got to change the quality of oil that’s coming into that person’s body. Avocados and olives, all things that have natural monounsaturated fats and things that have natural saturated fat, and also, in particular, the Omega-3s are helpful. I focus more on the Omega-3.

Next thing is, you got to do the tissue cleansing. That has a lot to do with bowel cleansing. A lot of times, when people get diabetic, they get backed-up with waste and that will show up as excess weight. You got to get the weight off. Sometimes, you can’t get the weight off until you pull the plug out of the bathtub, and that means bowel cleansing. That means colonics, and laxatives just to get things moving and get the lymph draining. Because your lymphatic systems drain into your large intestine and that will come out as your “poop.”

You might be eating a lot less, which I recommend for diabetics and get moving more to improve circulation and improve cellular respiration. Until you pull that plug out and really drain, and get that old feces out, metabolic waste out, we’re in trouble.

Another thing that’s very helpful is certain types of supplementation, especially probiotics and enzymes. I’m a big enzyme fan. I would say, of course, activated charcoal is excellent in the morning. My recommendations to people who really want to get to activated charcoal is, instead of just taking it when you have an upset stomach, literally take it in the morning 5–7 days a week, I do, and with water. We’re talking before, about your friend who has an activated charcoal water filtration system.

It’s Dr. Anthony Jay. When I interviewed him, we talked about activated charcoal and the importance of not drinking just water right out of the tap. To have it go through activated charcoal filters, to get all the estrogenic compounds out of it because there’s a lot of that is in the water. They don’t filter that out. The municipal water supply, it’s created getting the big nasty bugs out, but the estrogenic compound is not good at all. They don’t even try. That was an important lesson I got out of that episode. I drink purely living spring water. We don’t drink tap water.

If we think about our body, our body is a filter. It’s just a series of filter layers. That’s when we’d understand all these tubes in our bodies. What they were really doing? We have layers, and layers, and layers of filtration that don’t allow things from our skin all the way in. There’s an ability for our body to go, “Hey, stop. That molecule is too big.” Carbon or charcoal is a really good thing to add to your own filtration system, which is your own body, and the best time to do that is in the morning.

Again, there’s no research on charcoal that indicates it absorbs healthy nutrients, which is one of the biggest misconceptions about charcoal. Every time I bring this up in front of an audience, almost everybody in the audience is like, “Well, doesn’t it absorb vitamin C, or doesn’t it absorb protein, or doesn’t it absorb healthy nutrients?” There’s no evidence of that, 70 years of research of scientists trying to prove that activated charcoal absorbs healthy nutrients. It’s selective, which is very interesting.

Now, you’d think we’ve got a good scientific theory as to how it’s selective. We do not. It’s either, depending on who you’re listening to, let’s say, “Oh it’s pi stacking, or Van der Waals forces, or a combination of both.” But even then, it doesn’t explain how charcoal acts in a distance and as a purification element. When you put charcoal through your body, it will pull all the toxins out of your whole system.

Impaired genetics is a death sentence. But the good news is, anyone can try to flip on the good and turn off the bad by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Share on X

I really recommend doing a big cleanse at least once a year, usually twice a year. We do it at the end of the summer, and at the end of the winter. It’s a really good time to do a cleansing. On the regular, you should have some charcoal on your diet because we’re breathing on automobile fumes every day. God knows how many chemicals you breathe in. Brake dust on a freeway, from all  the breaking that’s going on. Those dust particles, that’s like asbestos. It’s just the worst.

We’ve got to protect our body with a constant something that filters, like our liver does. Basically, we need another liver. Is there anything like that? The answer is yes, activated charcoal. The filtration mechanism in science is actually called interstitial dialysis.

That sounds very scientific.

I’ve heard that term before. When you go for dialysis, somebody’s kidneys aren’t functioning anymore. What are they using in that filter system? It’s activated charcoal. That’s what’s in the dialysis machine. It’s also, of course, an air purification system as well. It’s a good idea to just have some activated charcoal in your body, in a toxic world that we live in. It’s not the way it was, 10,000 years ago.

Okay, that’s all great advice. Probiotics, any particular kinds of strains, or brands, or anything that you recommend?

One of the most important probiotics and the toughest, and probably, if you’re really in trouble with your microbiome, meaning that you don’t really have really good resistance in your friendly bacteria, easily overcome by unfriendly bacteria, is Lactobacillus Plantarum. That’s one of the toughest strains of probiotics.

Usually, it’s the first one we go to when somebody is really in a lot of trouble. When they basically done years and years of antibiotics, or have other issues that have disturb their natural shielding, which is your friendly bacteria that lived on your epithelial cells. That’s my recommendation. If you want to go to some of the more interesting ones, reuteri is an interesting one. That’s one of the more interesting probiotics with a great history in front of it.

If you’re going for formulas, my recommendation is to look into Dr. Ohhiras’s 35 years of probiotic research in his peer-reviewed literature, which is phenomenal. I actually got it as a book and read through the whole thing. He experimented with the combinations of probiotics, ending up with a 10 strain probiotic combination that he eventually put out there.

He’s a Japanese researcher. He put out there in Japan and finally made it over to America, it’s called Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics. That’s one of my favorites. Definitely, the most powerful for the punch, in my opinion. Meaning, you take two of those little gel cap things, you’ll feel it. Most probiotics are like, “I don’t know. I don’t really feel anything.”

I don’t take probiotics. Where does prebiotics fit into the picture? I bet some of our listeners haven’t even heard of that term, prebiotic.

Great term. Basically, prebiotic, we think of the lining of our intestines. The lining of our intestines is like the matrix of the soil. They’re metaphors of each other. The lining in our intestines are like the soil. When you think about, what makes that soil really healthy and what grows well in the soil? It’s roots.

Roots are filled with prebiotics, the most famous of them being Jerusalem artichokes, which are great to grow as a garden vegetable. I really recommend it. Very tough in most ecosystems and abundant, produce a lot of food for you and come back year after year. One of those prebiotics is inulin. Inulin is a polysaccharide, a long-chain sugar that can’t really be totally eaten up by the probiotics. It can eat little pieces off of it, but the whole thing moves through you as a fiber, that gives that little bit of nourishment to those friendly bacteria, so everybody is happy. You don’t get a blood sugar spike. You get inulin to your friendly bacteria and it operates as fiber, so it’s a good broom that sweeps through you. 

Nice. How about spring water, the living spring water that you drink? I get live spring water from Live Spring Water. That’s the company that Luke Storey told me about.

Yes, I know them well. I got them started on spring water.

That’s awesome.

In our world, I’m pretty much at this point, I think the grandfather of the live spring water movement, because I’ve been at it for so long. Basically, I did thousands of lectures on it over the years online, in person, all over the world, and getting people to go to their local springs and check out what’s going on, just to be apart of the phenomenon. Just to see like, “Whoa, this water is coming out on top of the mountain. How’s it coming out here? What’s going on? How do you know the spring water comes out colder than the ground temperature is?”

The ground temperature in Fahrenheit is usually between 56 and 58 degrees. Spring water could be coming out at 44 degrees. Right there, the ground next to it is 56, that spring water right there, 3 inches away is 44 degrees. Diffusion, right? It’s supposed to even out. The warm moves into the cold, the cold moves into the warm. It should be even, but it’s not.

It’s an anomaly, an interesting scientific research project for sure, which I’ve been on 25 years. I actually know now, what’s going on to some degree, but I don’t get into that too much, because then I get called again as pseudo-scientist, which I don’t want to get into that kind of stuff. You know what I’m talking about. It’s a joy and a pleasure to investigate natural springs and drink the freshwater that comes from the earth. Filtered the way the earth does it.

It tastes so good, too. I have been drinking alkaline water for 10 years or so, since I heard about it from Tony Robbins. I went to Unleash the Power Within and he espoused the benefits of alkaline water. Also, drinking water with lemon, it leaves an alkaline ash into your body. That’s good for prevention purposes. After all those years of drinking alkaline water, I discovered through Luke, this Live Spring Water. It tastes so much better than any of the other waters that I’ve ever had. It actually tastes good. I was never really into drinking water. Now, that’s all I drink.

I will have the sparkling water, like Pellegrino as well, but it’s mostly just Live Spring Water. 90% of the water I intake is Live Spring Water and then the other 10% is Pellegrino. I avoid like the plague any of the bottled waters in plastic. Try to avoid that because that plastic leaches into the water. I forget how much microplastic, I’ve recently read something about the amount of microplastics end up in water from the bottles, it’s shocking.

It is shocking. It’s scary. No one would drink wine in plastic. Let’s respect water a little bit, drink it out of glass. You can have it bottled, but it’s so cool what Live Spring Water’s doing. Getting that glass of water to you, unpasteurized, unfiltered. It’s so wonderful to be able to go to the places in your own ecosystem.

When I’m in LA, many years of doing lectures, talking about spring water and everyone, of course, was, “We don’t have that here.” Then, to find out that right at Wilshire Boulevard, Westgate in Barrington. If you go down from Wilshire Boulevard down Barrington, between Westgate and Barrington, it is one of the most ancient springs in California within an illustrious history. I never even knew about it. It’s on the Uni High School campus. Do you know that place I’m talking about? You’re from LA.

Omega-3 fish oil contains both docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are important in preventing and managing heart disease.

Yeah, I live in Encino.

Okay, next time you’re in Sta. Monica and you’re coming down Wilshire Boulevard, from the 405, go on Barrington South. This is going to trip you out. Everyone right there, be doing lectures down the street, they would say, “We don’t have spring water here. There is no spring water here.” This is what everybody says. Then, to find out that there it is, and has been all along. Not that I would drink that spring water there because there are so many buildings and stuff around it, but if I have drunk it, I’m still alive. It’s amazing. It’s an amazing thing to see.

You come down at Barrington, and just as you come down the hill, you’ll see the school on your right side. There’s fences and stuff. I want you to look for the first side parking lot, you’ll see it. There’s a gate right there. If you pull the car over right there, you can park right there. If it’s open, walk in there and you can see there’s springs coming out right next to that parking lot. Right there.

That’s crazy.

Sometimes they have it open. They have it all fenced up. It’s a Native American sacred site. If you get in there, there’s spring water bubbling through the sand. It’s totally incredible. To me, it’s so interesting the way that we go, “Oh, we don’t have that somewhere else.” That’s never true. It’s always right in your backyard. It’s just that awareness opening yourself up to the possibility that suddenly, there it is. It’s always been there.

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

Wow, that’s cool. One of my favorite little known places to go in that area, I go to Sta. Monica all the time. Every weekend, there’s the METal meeting that I go to, the Self Realization Center, founded by Yogananda. It’s beautiful, it’s such a wonderful place to go visit and just meditate, or walk, or read. I love that place. Have you’ve been there?

I love that place. If you can track this down Aztecs, there’s a cactus there. I think that’s the one in the palisades. It was Luther Burbank, he was the famous plant geneticist. He and Yogananda prayed for this cactus to lose its needles, because if you don’t need these needles anymore, just let it go. They prayed over this cactus, and it dropped its needles and it still grows there without any needles.


Ask about that next time you’re there, that a little adventure.

I love that. There’s a great movie documentary about Yogananda, it’s called Awake. Have you seen that?

I have not seen it. I’m a huge Yogananda fan but I have not seen that.

You’ve read the book, the Autobiography of a Yogi?

Twice. I think three times.

Okay. I remember that that’s the one book that Steve Jobs would give to everybody.

Mucusless Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret

Yes, I have heard that over the years. In fact, somebody brought that up recently. Last time I was talking about that book, somebody said that Steve Jobs was a real fan of that book. I believe he was. Steve Jobs is a big fan of mine, actually. He’s one of my first customers and for many years, he was a big patron of what we’re doing, because made those Arnold Ehret books available, Mucusless Diet Healing System and Rational Fasting, which he was a huge fan of those.

Another huge fan of those books, by the way, is Woody Harrelson. He really loves those books. I do a lot of fasts with Woody Harrelson. He is a really amazing guy. By the way, I do want to say this about him, the reason why he is so successful is because he is one of the healthiest people in Hollywood. He’s one of the people who stay in all these years. Every year we do a fast, every year we take time to cleanse, every year we do a whole cleansing system just to make sure he can stay on that pace.

A lot of years, people don’t realize this, he’s doing three movies a year. That’s so hard to do. That’s three or four months to shooting, then you got another three or four months of shooting, then you got another three or four months of shooting different roles, different stuff. Not all those films become big, but he’s there who’s grinding it out. I’m really amazed by him. I’ve been friends with him for 20 years and it’s been interesting to watch him keep going because he has the stamina to keep going.

Rational Fasting by Arnold Ehret

He’s so versatile. I forget that his early career started with the Cheers TV show. Boy, he is just so in different kinds of roles. It’s fascinating. Back to water for a moment. If you have to get water out of a container from the grocery store, do you have a favorite brand? My favorite is Castle Rock

I love Castle Rock. Those guys, by the way, the original founders of Castle Rock, not the current owners. The current owners are great, as far as I know. I don’t know them personally, but people told me great things about them. The guy, who is the son and heir of Flora. Do you know Flora?


It’s a health food brand. They do a lot of flax oils and cool stuff. Anyway, the son came to many of my events. I think I probably have something to do with getting him into spring water. He started Castle Rock. He used to come to all my events and have his water there for the event. I’m very partial to him because he’s really is an advocate with the right thing in mind and heart. There are other great ones out there.

There’s another big one that I like. It has an orange display but looks like the color green, it’s in a glass. It’s Italian water. That’s another one that I’ll get. I only buy spring water in a glass, I never go for plastic. In fact, if it’s only plastic, I’ll go thirsty. 

Acqua Panna.

Acqua Panna, good got it. Yes, that’s it.

I’m pretty good with this Google searching thing, I have a book on it.

You have a book on it. Let’s see your book. 

Google Power Search by Stephan Spencer

Not the big book. The big book is how to get your website to the top of Google, this is my little one. This is how to find anything on Google, that’s Google Power Search

Okay, cool.

Like confidential business plans of your competitors, that kind of stuff. Crazy, what you can find. I found credit card number files with expiration dates, everything, crazy stuff. That’s not in the book.

Okay. I don’t want to get into trouble.

Okay, Acqua Panna. All right, now let’s go to bread and food intake. How about exercise? What are you doing that’s innovative, or that you may have been exposed to but not doing it yourself, but think it’s worth exploring, maybe some interesting exercise regiment, or some sort of tool or device. For example, I just got the CAR.O.L. bike, I know David Asprey is big on this bike. I just got one and I just interviewed the co-founders. It’s an AI-based bike, kind of everything that you would want in a Peloton and being able to do it in 20 seconds, to heart out 20-second sprints, and then you’re done with your workout for the day. Pretty nice.

Nice. I’m trying to point one out right here, it’s behind me. It’s a yoga swing. You can see that? You can get inverted in that yoga swing, right there. That’s one of my favorites. You can see it has springs on the top of it. I don’t know if you can see that in your image right there, but see those springs up there?

When you get in there, it bounces. It’s a reverse rebounder. I’m a huge rebounder advocate and I love trampoline. I have a trampoline in my yard for many years. It’s great, I love rebounding. 

Before you go into what you’re about to talk about. Why rebounding? Why is it so important? I know what the reason is, but want our listener to understand.

I love the way it gently exercises every cell in your body. You have an increase in gravity and then boom, you have that release into levity. That increase in gravity and release into levity without shock. I learned from injuries and many injuries of my life that I have been, I can’t do.

For example, I can do push-ups, but I don’t like to do them because it will irritate this injury that I have right here. If I keep doing more and more push-ups eventually, I’ll start having neck pain and other stuff. I can’t do normal things people do, except, I can do yoga which helps with that injury.

Rebounding is really nice because you don’t have the impact. Like, running is an impact sport. It’s gentle, so you have that slow deceleration of the gravitational force, then a reversal into the levitational force, then back to the gravitational force. It’s more gentle on every cell in your body, every muscle group in your body is activated by rebounding.

It’s also good for your lymphatic system because there’s no pump there. Your circulatory system has the heart as a pump but the lymphatic system just uses gravity. If you’re jumping on a rebounder or trampoline, you’re getting that lymph moving around.

Golden Seven Plus One by C. Samuel West

Yes, exactly. That was the Golden Seven Plus One, that famous book on lymphasizing, which really was one of the main books that popularized rebounding and trampoline jumping. Rebounders is just a fancy name for trampoline. We grew up in that. I guess, we probably grew up in the 70s? You grew up in the 70s?

We’re only a few months apart in age.

Okay, we call them trampolines back then. Now, we call them rebounders, but it stayed with me, so I’m really into that. Another thing that I’m really into probably doesn’t get enough press, so I’m going to give it some press right now, which is walking. A lot of times, I get up in the morning and I walk 2½ hours, almost every morning. I get up at [5:00], walk until [7:30], and come back. In this neighborhood, it’s really great. I can get out to different places every morning because I get bored quickly with the same old stuff.

I think there’s a name for the kind of yoga where it’s got the hanging stuff. Is it suspension yoga, is that the name for it? Aerial yoga?

Aerial yoga. It’s great because it’s really fun for kids. That’s what I love about these. They’re simple things. You get into the complicated exercise equipment, it’s not as fun for kids. When the kids are over, you can have them jumping on this thing and swing in, and do all kinds of stuff and it’s unique.

That’s awesome. All right, any other environmental things that you want to share? Things around the house, that you go out to, to experience, to keep your health and longevity going?

One of the things that I really like to do, it’s a big hobby for me, is to go to the energy centers of the region where I’m at. For example, let’s say I’m in Ontario, Canada, I’m going to go to the place where the spring water comes out. I’m going to get into the water in the winter and get into the ice-cold water, because spring water doesn’t freeze.

Chocolate, when unprocessed and in its purest form, is the number one longevity food for human beings. Share on X

When you have a spring-fed pond, you’ll actually have an area cool and then it’s frozen over the rest of the pond. That area with the spring water coming out is actually liquid, so you can get in, even in the middle of the winter. That’s like a power spot, where spring is coming out. There’s something interesting happening. What’s cool about a spring is, you can actually get into it. It’s fun.

So I always recharge doing those kind of things, hiking to the tops of mountains. When you think about a pyramid, pyramid has a point at the top of it, mountains are basically like that, too. We know from research on electricity over the last 200 years, that electrical charges will accumulate on the edges, not on the side, on the edges and the point. It’s like the point of a steeple. That’s why they have an antenna at the top of the Empire State building, so it takes the lightning.

That is also true with mountain and mountain tops, they have higher amount of electrons, or electricity that accumulates at the peak. That might be the reason why people naturally, like Paul Bragg and myself, want to go up to the top of mountains to get something different about it. Something is happening up there, and I think that’s what it is. It has something to do with the electron charge at the top of the mountain, versus just on the side of the mountain, or in a valley.

Are you familiar with ley lines?

Yes, very familiar with ley lines.

What is it about ley lines that make that special or important.

There’s something about energetic lines between places. Sometimes, you’re on a ley line. One of my favorite ley lines is, the ley line right at the edge of Berkley Mountains in San Francisco bay area. There is an area where you can see all the way across to Mount Tamalpais, we call it Mount Tam, on the other side. Native people always looked at that. It’s not easy to get from one side to the other place, you have to go through this San Francisco bay, which is very rough in a canoe, so they would always have to go all the way around.

There is this nice energetic line that connects you there. There’s a monastery right there on that spot, at the very edge of that mountain range in Berkeley and the Berkeley Hills, over there is Mount Tam, and it’s magic. There are so many amazing spots there. It’s a ley line that connects those two. It was interesting that they put that Richmond Bridge pretty much right on that ley line, energetically. To me, it was a combination of all those native people who always looked at Mount Tam, but couldn’t get there easily. Now, you can cross the Richmond Bridge near there in 15 minutes.

To me, that’s a ley line. It’s the energetic connection that comes from our consciousness originally. Maybe it’s geological, too, in origin. We can’t separate humans from the earth. We tried to do that in our philosophy, “If there are only no humans, everything will be better, or whatever.” You can’t separate humans from the earth. We’re intimately a part of this earth and so, our consciousness affects the earth.

I believe that. How about Sedona? Do you like Sedona?

I love Sedona. I wouldn’t want to live there, but it’s a great place to live because it got these interesting, energetic vortexes. They are interesting. Usually, you wind your way up to the top of a peak. Some of which are smooth over the top, which is generally considered more feminine. I’m thinking of Bell Mountain or something. I think it’s one of them in Sedona. Some are more angular, which are considered more male, and masculine energetically at the top. There’s something to it. I enjoy it.

I felt the energy when I was there. I’m pretty sensitive to energy. Whenever I go to the Kabbalah Centre in LA, it feels amazing and The Oneness Campus outside of Shanai in India, where the big temple is, wow. That is intense. My wife had an out of body experience inside that temple. It was amazing.

It really is something. There’s something to it. Machu Picchu to me, is like that, where there’s just amazing energy there. You’re like, “What is the cause of this energy.” Everyone they go, “This energy here is amazing, what is the cause of it?” I think it has to do with all those years and all those people who had lived there with spiritual focus in mind, because that’s what they believed in, it really was. It was a spiritual center where people could go, like a monastery vibe. There’s something to that, there’s something to be said. We just count the human effects on our environment in the spiritual realm. We know what the physical stuff looks like with the trash, but there’s a higher side. There’s the other side of the issue, which is positive spiritual emanations and vibrations that affect the environment and improves it.

For sure. One more topic I wanted to briefly go over, maybe we can fit into. I want to talk about the ozone machine that you have there and how that can help people. I also want to talk about chocolate.

Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe

Okay, good. Ozone is just a tool for healing. I think it’s really important that people just dig into the books on it. Ed McCabe’s Flood Your Body With Oxygen is a definitive tone on this subject. Giving you a broad spectrum of the power of oxygen therapy and how important oxygen is. We know oxygen is important. Everybody knows that, but geez, why don’t we use it more?

I was just trained by doctors early on. I was very lucky that I got a very good education early on and how to use ozone. I’ve used ozone in my house for 25 years, so I’m really into it. I’ve done every kind of ozone therapy every time. My good friend, Lisa, in Calgary, has a really wonderful ozone center there. I was just there. Right before getting on a flight, you get dosed up in oxygen. In that case, you sit in a sauna, ozone is going into the sauna, so it’s basically helping the body to get oxygenated around from the skin because our skin breathes and it needs oxygen. It reacts to oxygen.

It’s our biggest organ.

It’s our biggest organ. That’s part of what we do. I get a big glass of ozonated water there and I did an ozone enema there. Then took off for my flight. That’s some of the neat stuff you can do with the ozone.

You can’t breathe the ozone directly though.

No. You can not breathe it directly because it’s too aggressive. Because the ozone is an oxygen, O2 that’s had an extra electron, or basically, an extra oxygen attached to it, so it’s O3, or O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, or even higher. Basically, you can’t breathe the aggressive O3, O4, O5, O6, O7. It’s too aggressive. If you want, you can breathe it if you bubble it through olive oil. There are ways to get around that.

You also probably, if you’re going to do an ozone enema, you should bubble it through water, which is what Liza does at her place because ozone is also very dry. Bubbling it through water hydrates it. So, then it goes to your colon. Actually, your colon tissue is very similar to lung tissue, most cancer doctors know that. Colon cancer typically spreads to lung cancer because the tissues are almost the same. It’s a way of oxygenating yourself, it’s very interesting. That’s worth investigating.

Now, on chocolate, I think you know that I’m a chocolate grower and have been for at least 15 years.

Yes, your Sacred chocolate brand that you’re associated with is really amazing, and it’s really pristine stuff. Can you describe what is different about your chocolate versus every other chocolate out there?

One thing that I do, that’s very unusual and rare in the world, I doubt if you’d find anybody else who does this in the world, I’m a soil to bar guy. We grow all the chocolate all the way from the soil, meaning we sprouted those trees, we grew them all the way from cacao seeds, from cacao beans, fresh. All the way to trees, all the way to incredible producing chocolate factories. Each one of those trees, each pod is going to produce somewhere around 3–5 chocolate bars. You’re growing chocolate bars, essentially.

Those are going to get prepared in our kitchen and then, they’ll be shipped to our chocolate factory, where they’re turned into chocolate bars or other chocolate type of products. Sometimes we turn them into powders, sometimes turn them into a paste, sometimes into chocolate butter, but we’re the operation that does that soil to bar, which is really awesome. We also produce our own vanilla and our own honey and many other ingredients that are going to our chocolate, which is very fun. Homegrown chocolate, to me, is probably my biggest success in life.

The older you are, the less enzymatic activity you have in your body. That's why you do probiotics, fermented, or cultured food to get more of that enzymatic activity happening. Share on X

I have a good friend of mine who is an analytical chemist in Toronto. For many years, he tested all our food for traces of minerals. Especially, the 17 rare earth elements. He repeatedly came back to me, he’s like, “Cacao contains the rare earth element.” So let me give you a quick list of what those are, the foods that contain it, based on his research in the lab. Cacao, or chocolate, that’s why chocolate is such a longevity food. Chocolate is the number one longevity food for human beings, most people in the world are chocolate eaters.

Number one is chocolate. Number two, green tea. Number three, interesting, black cumin, black seed oil, very popular in Islamic countries and also very popular in Israel and basically, in the Middle East. black seed oil that contains the rare earth element. Another one was turmeric. Turmeric contains the rare earth elements, interestingly. That’s really shocking, another amazing thing. I was like, “Oh my God, we better be eating turmeric.”

Another thing that was interesting is cinnamon. Cinnamon contains rare earth elements as well, but you have to get the right kind. I recommend the Sri Lankan or Ceylon cinnamon. That’s also tested that has the rarest earth in it, and it tastes the best, too. That’s something to look for, if you’re looking for cinnamon, make sure you get the good kind.

Another one that was on the list interestingly, not really a food, but can be used herbally, is pine needles. Pine needles also contain rare earth elements, which is very interesting. Pine pollen is commonly used as an anti-aging substance in Chinese medicine. We consume a lot of pine pollen, it tastes really good. Usually, in California in late March, you hit the tree, you hit a branch of a pine tree, all of a sudden there’s yellow stuff comes out, you can eat that, and it’s good. That’s pine pollen and it’s anti-aging. That’s another one.

There’s one more that we have on this list. It was a fascinating research study that he did on these rare earth elements but they’re not common in the food supply. They’re not common, but his position, interestingly, is that the rare earth elements are important for enzyme production in your body.

Enzymes have a correlation that the older you are, the less enzymatic activity you have in your body. You always want to do anything you can, to increase enzymatic activity in your body. That’s one of the reasons why you do probiotics bacteria, or fermented food, or cultured food to get more of that enzymatic activity happening. One of the ways to do that is to get more of the rare earth into your body.

Got it, cool. Speaking of the enzymes, you mentioned probiotics and enzymes in the same sentence a while back. You talked about what are some of your favorite probiotics, but we didn’t talk about what are some of your favorite enzymes as supplements. Anything that you want to recommend? 

Oh great. Well, I have my own, which is sold out right now. I always have my longevity enzymes. I really like some of these designer enzymes, like Serrapeptase that’s designed to get the fiber out of your system. If you have a fiber-related condition, there are very specific enzymes you can go after. If you’ve had heart trouble and a history of heart trouble, you can go after Nattokinase. That’s another interesting enzyme.

I like some of these enzyme formulas, like Wobenzyme, which is very popular in Europe and has a tremendous research history, very interesting. I really like the research of Max Gerson in his research on liver enzymes. I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat liver. If someone had a serious cancer diagnosis, then Gerson’s strategy for using liver enzymes to chew through and eat the cancer. It has been a very valuable and valid angle for cancer, which has led to many remissions.

I can go on about enzymes, I’m really into it. Another one that I like to do a lot of is usually five proteases, all mixed together. That’s essentially as a vegetarian enzyme, as close as I’m going to come to liver enzymes. It’s not quite as powerful but it’s as close that I’m going to get. I like those, they’re called proteases 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, they have their own history and interesting research behind them.

Are those that you get out of a particular health food store, from a particular brand? Those proteases 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

You have to hunt around. The last time I was at it, I went to see a naturopath in Calgary, actually, when I was there. I was doing a water fast. I went to go get a Myers’ cocktail, which is an IV and B vitamin, you know what that is. As I was walking around, I saw all these enzymes. I was like, “Tell me what the best enzymes in this group are.” So, I said this one. When I pulled it out, it was the ones with five different proteases in it. I bought them and they were pretty expensive, it was like $90, but I got a lot of enzymes for it. I was on a fast, I wasn’t eating food anyway, so I was like, “Let me put my money into something that can accelerate my healing.”

I do these fast and cleanses twice a year, as I mentioned. I think that’s really important. I do lead those fast and cleanses with people from all over the world. We would do it virtually, where we have a call that starts on day one, then we have a call at the end of week one, then call at the end of week two, so three calls. Then, we’re checking it every day on a communication app and seeing how we’re all doing. Usually, I have a couple of hundred people and it’s really fun. It’s easier to do it as a group.

Where do you sign up for that?

If you ever get to my site, davidwolfe.com and you just want to be on the email list, we’ll alert you when that time comes around. The next one will be in March. It’ll come around March 15, or something like that. We’ll start getting the thing going. I’ll obviously advertise it before that. Woody Harrelson has agreed to do that one with us. I’m going to try to drag him on to a call.

One time, we were doing a cleanse and he was behind the camera. When he’s off work, he doesn’t like to do any kind of film or video, but he does like to advocate that people get healthy. He really is a big advocate of cleansing and health. I was able to get him behind the camera and be like, “Come on.” I think I’ll be able to drag him in front of the camera and just have him show a cameo on our next cleanse. He’s a big advocate of this strategy of lifestyle, which is cleanse, detoxify, get more energy, feel better, feel healthier, feel brighter, and then get out there and kick some butt, then cleanse again, when you pour it all on like that.

I did my first cleanse in Fiji at the Life Mastery event, which was one of Tony Robbins’ events. He doesn’t teach it anymore but his team teaches it. You cleanse the whole time, you don’t eat any food.

That’s so great. Just to everyone listening to that, I know that sounds tough and I know that it sounds like a load. You’re like, “What do you mean you don’t need to eat food?” We take in step by step. I worked this out over the years. It takes three weeks. The first week, we get you down to one meal a day, you can do the rest liquids, but you gradually bring your calories down. We coach you on that through that week. Then, the second week, it’s all liquids and we gradually burn those calories down through that week. Then boom, right on that third week, we’re ready to start the water fast.

It works. As long as you work that system and do what we’re doing, every day is we work this out. I’ve been doing this for 25 years. You figured out like, “Okay, what’s going to work, what’s not.” You can’t just jump into a water fast. It’s not safe.

That’s true. Now that I remember from Fiji, we started with eating just salads and then it graduated into the water fast. We had a little thing of Udo’s oil, with a little tiny slice of pineapple. We were so excited when we got that, and the rest of the time it was water. It’s like, “Yay! We’re going to have our little Udo’s oil for the day.” That was actually very energizing. I felt invigorated.

It’s a shock to most people. You get deep into a cleanse and then you’ll come to that day, and most people would say, “Hey, it’s two weeks.” When you get to that day, on the first day of the water fast, I find that a lot of people just go, “You know what the heck, I’ve gone this far anyway, let me just try it.” Next thing you know, it’s three days later and they’re still on it. Next thing you know, they were like, “I did my first-week long water fast ever in my life.”

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

These people have never done a single day of water fasting because everything is about strategy. Everything is about strategy. You can’t just go, “I’m going to go out and make money,” and just walk out the door. You have to have a strategy. You can’t go, “I’m going to go out and be healthy,” and just walk out the door. You got to have a strategy. It’s just like that with cleansing, too. You have to have a strategy. When you have the right strategy, it works. It’s easier and you’re not battling. You build the momentum step-by-step-by-step and then you’re ready. Your body is ready.

My favorite quote about strategy is from The Art of War. Sun Tzu wrote, “Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Good quote.

That’s good.

All right, well, we are out of time. Thank you so much, David.

That was great. Thank you, thanks for being so forgiving.

That was fun and life-changing, too. Actually, apply this stuff listener. You need to apply it. We’ll catch you on the next episode of Get Yourself Optimized. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off. Thank you.

Important Links


  • Grow my own food so that I can quality control the cultivation before consuming it. Steer clear of produce that is full of GMOs, preservatives, and chemicals.
  • Add avocados to my meal plan and research avocado recipes for variety. David recommends Reed avocados for a more oily, thick texture that’s perfect for savory meals.
  • Bake food instead of frying them. If anything needs frying, David recommends using coconut oil or olive oil instead of canola oil.
  • Ingest activated charcoal for a regular detox. According to David, activated charcoal is the number one longevity substance in animal research ever discovered.
  • Balance out my Omega 3, 6, and 9 intakes. Omega-rich foods include salmon, mackerel, walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds.
  • Take probiotics and enzymes for improved gut health. Check out Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics for more in-depth research on what they can do to the body.
  • Only eat chocolates that are made from organic cacao beans. Avoid commercialized brands that have more milk and sugar than real chocolate.
  • Pair a healthy diet with regular exercise for a well-maintained metabolism. It’s not enough that I consume healthy food, I have to make sure that I digest its nutrients properly as well.
  • Do a big cleanse at least once a year. This is an excellent way to recharge and recuperate so that I can ensure that my body stays in good shape.
  • Sign up on David Wolfe’s mailing list to learn more about staying healthy and get updates on his latest events and workshops.

About the Host


Since coming into his own power and having a life-changing spiritual awakening, Stephan is on a mission. He is devoted to curiosity, reason, wonder, and most importantly, a connection with God and the unseen world. He has one agenda: revealing light in everything he does. A self-proclaimed geek who went on to pioneer the world of SEO and make a name for himself in the top echelons of marketing circles, Stephan’s journey has taken him from one of career ambition to soul searching and spiritual awakening.

Stephan has created and sold businesses, gone on spiritual quests, and explored the world with Tony Robbins as a part of Tony’s “Platinum Partnership.” He went through a radical personal transformation – from an introverted outlier to a leader in business and personal development.

About the Guest


David “Avocado” Wolfe, J.D., Nutritionist, Superfoodist, Orator, Herbalist, Chocolatier, Organic Farmer

David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity multiverse. His Facebook page, Facebook videos and posts reach millions of people each week around the world with succinct powerful inspirational quotes, news, health information, and education. With 25+ years of dedicated experience and having hosted 3000 live health events, David has led the environmental charge for radiant health via a positive mental attitude, eco-community building, living spring water, and the best-ever quality organic foods, wild foods, juices, and herbs. David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe is the visionary founder and president of the non-profit The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation charity with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit, nut, and medicinal trees on Earth.


The medical, fitness, psychological, mindset, lifestyle, and nutritional information provided on this website and through any materials, downloads, videos, webinars, podcasts, or emails is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/fitness/nutritional advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek the help of your physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, certified trainer, or dietitian with any questions regarding starting any new programs or treatments, or stopping any current programs or treatments. This website is for information purposes only, and the creators and editors, including Stephan Spencer, accept no liability for any injury or illness arising out of the use of the material contained herein, and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this website and affiliated materials.


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