How to Prepare for Coronavirus with Steve Good

The new salutation seems to be ‘hope you’re staying safe during these crazy times.’ It’s trite and it’s meaningless. Do not just throw around platitudes like this when so many of us are scared and lost. Instead, be a beacon of light for people. In other words, help them be smart, safe, and proactive.

When connecting with someone, ask them if they have a thermometer and a pulse oximeter on hand. Make sure they know how to use it, that they’re checking to see if their blood oxygen level doesn’t dip below 90%. Ask them if they have two month’s supply of food and water, as well as at least 30 masks and pairs of gloves.

Steve Good
“Be a prepper, not a panicker. Even when there’s no pandemic, it’s good to ensure your safety for emergencies.”
Steve Good

You need to educate yourself on what you need on hand and what you need to do if things go very wrong. That’s why I’ve asked my friend Steve Good to be on the show today. Steve is one of the most in the know and prepared people in my network as far as the Coronavirus pandemic is concerned.

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Self-Mastery, Unlocked with Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Personal transformation can come when you’re open–willing to go on a lifelong journey of learning, experimentation, and spiritual exploration. My guest today is a fascinating learner and teacher, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., who grew up in Mexico steeped in the traditions and learnings of his grandmother, his mother, and his father, Don Miguel Ruiz Sr., who wrote The Four Agreements

In today’s episode, Don Miguel Jr. and I discuss enlightenment, self-acceptance, and the dark and light sides of the human experience. One of the lessons Don Miguel Jr. learned from his grandmother is that we all go through our dark times.

Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
“When you love and respect yourself, there is no way that you will ever allow anyone else to disrespect or dishonor you.”
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

We have a choice–we can either let those dark times sink us, or we can learn from them, and use that experience to teach others. 

Don Miguel Jr. has taken the lessons of his family and discovered his own personal freedom. He’s the author of multiple books, including The Five Levels of Attachment, Living a Life of Awareness, and The Mastery of Self. He also co-authored the book, The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happier Relationships with HeatherAsh Amara

As a Nagual, Don Miguel Jr. now helps others discover optimal physical and spiritual health so that they may achieve their own personal freedom. If you’re as fascinated and impressed with this family as I am, you’re going to be pretty blown away by today’s episode.

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Achieve Healing and Balance through the Practice of Jin Shin with Alexis Brink

I’m sure you’ve heard of acupuncture. You may have even heard of Reiki. But have you heard of Jin Shin? I hadn’t. Jin Shin is an ancient Japanese healing art that uses gentle touch and minimal pressure to unblock energy flows throughout the body. It’s most commonly used to treat ailments like anxiety, digestive issues, immune disorders, migraines, and more. The best part about Jin Shin is that you can easily practice it on yourself and develop a daily routine that can help you achieve inner harmony and a deep sense of wellbeing and calm. Using just a couple of Jin Shin techniques every day could have a profound impact on your sense of wellbeing. 

Alexis Brink
“When the energy is harmonized in the body, and it can flow freely, that is when the body can heal itself.”
Alexis Brink

My guest for this episode number 208 is Alexis Brink, master Jin Shin practitioner, author of The Art of Jin Shin published by Simon and Schuster, and president of the Jin Shin Institute in New York City. Alexis has been practicing Jin Shin since 1991 and teaches Jin Shin techniques to nurses in hospitals and teachers in the public school system. If you’d like more mindfulness in your life, Jin Shin offers a simple, effective daily routine that is not only relaxing but effective at treating many of the common maladies that can put a dark cloud over your day. Stay tuned as Alexis reveals how the Jin Shin philosophy has improved your life, how to use your hands as jumper cables, and how to deal with energy blockages in your body.

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The 200th Episode! Life Hacks, Reflections, and Highlights with Orion Talmay

I’ve been podcasting for four years and it feels like just yesterday that the first episode was published. As we wrap up Get Yourself Optimized’s 200th episode, I can’t help but look back and reflect on the last 100 guests who have graciously agreed to be on the show. It was such an honor interviewing some of the best experts, influencers, and trailblazers in the world of biohacking, business, and self-development. So many lessons learned and tips and tricks gained to live a highly optimized life. This special episode is hosted by my lovely wife, Orion Talmay, who happens to have her own wonderful podcast called The Stellar Life Podcast. Tune in as she and I discuss some of the best advice my guests have shared. And to my listeners, thank you for tuning in all these years. Cheers to 200 more amazing episodes!

Stephan Spencer
“It’s all about growth and contribution. Learn, apply, and become the best person that you can be.”
Stephan Spencer

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Steal These Leadership Strategies with Scott Eck

Do you want to be a better leader? Then it’s time you join the theater. My guest for this episode number 170 is Scott Eck, Founder and CEO of Leadership Masters. A company that creates leadership theater experiences for Fortune 100 clients such as Coca-Cola, 3M, Boeing, State Farm and Lockheed Martin. You may be wondering what theater has to do with leadership. It’s all based on an idea called sociodrama, developed by a student of Freud’s years ago. By roleplaying key figures in high stakes situations such as the British government during World War II or the African National Congress during the trial of Nelson Mandela, Scott is able to completely immerse the students in extraordinary circumstances to help them understand the actions and behaviors of great leaders firsthand. Learning in this way can affect deep personal change and develop leadership and communication skills in a way that’s not possible in more conventional approaches to education.

Scott Eck
“Whenever you raise the status of any individual or group, you raise your own status in the eyes of others.”
Scott Eck

I got to know Scott at one of Doug Allen’s masterminds where we both were speakers. If the name Doug Allen is familiar to you, it may be because he was also a guest on my other podcast, Marketing Speak. I have to say, if you aren’t listening to Marketing Speak, you are missing out on a free university-level education in marketing. It is fantastic and yes, I’m biased. Prepare as Scott reveals some profound insights into behavior change, education and leadership. In the process, I bet you’re going to learn how to facilitate true innovation in your organization.

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Breaking The Mentality Of Scarcity with Sharon Lechter

Sharon Lechter
“At the end of the day, you’re either a master of your money or a slave to it.”
Sharon Lechter

Two books have had a profound impact on my life: Rich Dad Poor Dad and Outwitting the Devil. There are more than that, but these two are particularly pertinent to this episode. The authors of these two books, Robert Kiyosaki and Napoleon Hill respectively, have become household names but someone else had a hand in both books and she doesn’t get the limelight. Her name is Sharon Lechter and she’s our guest in this episode number 165. Sharon is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, international speaker and licensed CPA. She’s regarded as a global expert on financial literacy. She served as a national spokeswoman and presidential advisor on the topic. She co-authored Rich Dad Poor Dad with Robert Kiyosaki and edited Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil, which incidentally sat for 70 years without getting published. Both books have been pivotal in my life and you’re about to learn why.

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Reprogram Your Mind with Marty Weintraub

I’m so excited to share with you this real, raw and powerful conversation between two marketing agency founders, friends for a decade, talking about life, death, suffering, growth, reprogramming and so much more. We bounced around so many self-help modalities, it’s not even funny. I really think you’re going to enjoy this episode number 157. Our guest is Marty Weintraub. Marty is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and wilderness guide. He founded Aimclear, a marketing agency dominant in psychographic targeting, winner of ten US Search Awards including Best Large Integrated Agency and Best Use of Social in a Search Campaign. Marty was also awarded Search Personality of The Year.

Marty Weintraub
“Train your mind to process everything and take back control of it.”
Marty Weintraub

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Shift Your Destiny with Kute Blackson

Do you know your life’s purpose? Truly, I feel like I’m still discovering it. This podcast is part of it. The two self-help books I’m working on are also part of it. I feel I’m still scratching the surface. If you’re like me, then you might also feel like this is a journey of discovery. Even if you’ve already identified your life’s purpose, are you truly fulfilling it? Are you living authentically? Are you changing the world or are you playing small? In this episode number 155, we’re going to get to talk with Kute Blackson, the author of the national bestseller, You Are The One. He’s been featured on Larry King Now, Fox & Friends, Dr. Drew and more. Kute has been inspiring audiences for decades, starting at the tender age of eight where he spoke in front of 3,000 people.

Kute Blackson
“If you’re in a moment of challenge but you’re living your purpose, trust that you are on the right path and keep moving through.”
Kute Blackson

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Metaphysical Encounters and Other Mysteries with Monica Ortiz

We’re going to be tackling the fear of death, healing childhood wounds, communicating with the dead, spirit guides, channeling and all sorts of woo-woo stuff. You’re going to love it. Our guest is Monica Ortiz. She’s an award-winning producer, a successful life coach, author of Universe 101: Learn Grow Evolve and a public speaker whose proven techniques and tools have helped to improve thousands of lives over her 20-plus-year career. As the Founder of the Exceptional Life Institute and Creator of the Masters of Mindfulness app, Monica continues to teach amazing life tools to millions of people around the globe in the form of in-person courses, online lectures, published books, and more.

Monica Ortiz
“Get out of your emotional brain for a moment and move into your logical brain a little bit.”
Monica Ortiz

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The Spiritual Underpinnings of Financial Success with Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin
“You need to understand the nature of money to bring it into your life.”
Rabbi Daniel Lapin

There is nothing more innocuous than trying to increase your own fortune. In a truly open, transparent market, there’s no way to make money without benefiting someone else. In other words, money is only created when two humans please one another. If you want financial abundance, the trick isn’t to want money itself. You need to create an environment in which you enter into mutually beneficial situations.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin is here to talk about the fascinating connection between spirituality and financial abundance. These things may not immediately seem connected, until you realize that they’re intimately related. Daniel is a Rabbinic scholar and the president of the American Alliance of Jews and Christians. His books include America’s Real War, Thou Shall Prosper, and Business Secrets From the Bible. Today, he’ll share his deep and powerful insight into how matters of the spirit relate to finances, and offer solid advice for how to achieve financial fulfillment.

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