"Training helps with masculine energy. It’s proven to increase your natural testosterone, testosterone raises this energy. There’s something very attractive to a woman that wants all this masculine energy."Lazo Freeman One look at Lazo Freeman and you’d never imagine he was anything but the hyper-confident, successful man you see in front of you. However, his love affair with fitness originally happened because of a disconnect he was seeing in his life with the way he wanted it to be. Early on in life he realized he could not control many…

"Having caffeine in moments when you have high cortisol release in the body, not only builds up immunity but increases the neurodegenerative effects of cortisol on the body."Shaahin Cheyene We’ve done several shows on Get Yourself Optimized about enhancing your body, your career, and your lifestyle, but now we investigate how to get the best brain response and the best work out of our brains. Shaahin Cheyene has worked in nootropics, aka “smart drugs”, since he was 15. He believes that people aren’t paying enough attention to how they are…

"Take a look at where your citizenship is, your passport, your residency, your banking, your business, and where you play... and make sure they are all in different countries... to protect yourself." Domingo Silvas When Domingo Silvas found that his company was getting a lot of revenue coming from abroad, he was originally resistant to the change. Business mindsets often lead to thinking that is conservative. But when he learned of all of the potential benefits of going offshore, he was intrigued. He soon got a job that required him…

"Freeze-dried, processed-in-a-vacuum, organic-based superfood powders are your best friend, your new BFF." Jay Denman & Joy Coelho There are easy ways of extending our longevity and maximizing our best life that many aren’t taking advantage of. These are the kind of realities that Jay and Joy, The JingSlingers, want to enlighten us with. They make their living being optimized health counselors to everyday people and some well-known public figures. They understand that living a truly healthy lifestyle is about finding a method that is sustainable and fits with your life.…

"What are your partner’s fantasies? Create a safe space to talk freely and be accepting of each other’s fantasies." – Miss Jaiya Today, I’m probing the brain of Jaiya, sexologist extraordinaire. I attended her workshop with my fiancée and was astounded by the deep understanding she has of human sexuality. She knows what people crave, why people crave it, and how to help people create a fully satiating sex life for themselves. Because I’m sure you’re all dying to dive into this fascinating topic, I asked Jaiya to answer some…

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