In this Episode
- [02:20]Stephan welcomes Caroline Alan, CEO of BEAM Minerals. Caroline shares her journey from a corporate technology background, through serious health challenges, to finding relief with plant-based humic and fulvic minerals.
- [07:02]Caroline highlights the supplement she uses and the breakthroughs she has uncovered regarding thyroid health.
- [12:36]Caroline delves into the mechanisms of minerals in the body and explains how they reach and benefit cells.
- [20:16]Caroline clarifies the distinctions between minerals, salt, and electrolytes.
- [26:37]Stephan and Caroline explore the oligoscan and its potential benefits.
- [38:00]Caroline details the differences between minerals and monatomic gold.
- [46:29]Caroline discusses the optimal timing for taking mineral supplements.
Caroline, it’s so great to have you on the show.
Thanks so much for having me. I’m really excited to be here. I love to talk about minerals.
Well, we’re definitely going to get there, but first, let’s hear your origin story. How did you end up in the wellness space and co-founding this company, BEAM Minerals?
Well, about ten years ago, I was in the corporate world. I was a big gun for hire in the technology world, and I burned out of that career, and I had flatlined adrenals. I’d had them for about two years. I’d worked with many different practitioners trying to heal them without any real effect. I had really bad inflammation in my gut with elimination challenges. I’d been gluten-free for about seven years but was unable to get past the dysbiosis issues. Full disclosure: I also have an autoimmune, and I’ve had mold exposure in the past. I also had really bad inflammation in my mouth with gingivitis and receding gums, bone loss in my teeth, and soft dentin in my teeth.
I had really bad sinus infections that recurred every six to eight weeks. So I was in a really bad state. There were definitely lots of stresses in my life. But I was working really hard with all sorts of practitioners trying to heal my mouth, my gut, my adrenals. I wasn’t gaining any momentum. I met my now business partner, Dan Howard, who introduced me to plant-based humic and fulvic minerals. I started taking them. They were these little half-ounce cups of liquid that tasted like water.
I also hate taking supplements in terms of pills, but these were really easy, and I just started taking them. About two months later, I went to my dentist, and she looked at my mouth after I had my teeth cleaned. She’s like, “Oh my gosh, what’s changed? The tissue in your mouth is really healthy. It’s pink, it’s not inflamed. You didn’t bleed when the teeth were being cleaned.” And I was like, “Hmm, I think it might be these minerals I’m taking.” Then, four months in, I went to my naturopath, and we did our adrenal test. She looked down at the results, and she exclaimed, “Wow.”
She showed me them, and I was like, “This is incredible.” They were one-third of the way up the chart, which was just in with their natural sawtooth pattern. It was a huge, huge change. So, over the space of about eight or nine months, I ended up having a resolution of all of those symptoms that I described. My elimination went back to normal. I stopped bloating and feeling discomfort in my gut. The sinus infections no longer came. I mean, I haven’t had a sinus infection since then.
My teeth are completely healthy, my gums are healthy, and the recession doesn’t return, but the teeth themselves are very healthy, and the gums are very healthy. So, as a result, I did a huge amount of research. I just went down the rabbit hole. Every time I’d find something I didn’t understand, I would just keep researching and learning until I could understand it. In the process of doing that, I had so many huge ahas that I went to my now business partner, and I said, “We have to bring this message to the world because no one understands minerals.” I kept reading, and I’d go, “Do you know this?” And he’d go, “Yeah.” I’d be like, “No, but this is amazing.” So I’m really just out here sharing my aha moments.
The key to sustained health isn't just about taking more minerals—it's about the right balance. Overloading on one type can throw off the entire equilibrium of your body's ecosystem. Share on XThat’s amazing. What a miracle. Have you grown your gum tissue back? You had receding gums, or is that not possible? I think it might not be possible.
Once you have a recession, I could have surgery to actually put the gum material back, which I haven’t done. But the teeth themselves are completely healthy. I’m in a new place, and the dentist looks at my mouth. They’re like, “Your teeth are fantastic.” And my gums are fantastic. So, I haven’t had any cavities. Because the dentin was soft, I had lots of issues with that as well.
Well, congratulations on getting your health back. That’s amazing.
Thank you. It’s a journey, and I really want to say to people who have many of those complex sets of chronic issues that it is possible to get back to a healthy place.
Now, is the supplement you’re taking, which is your B minerals, the entire protocol, or do you have a bunch of other kinds of biohacks, supplements, and tools?
Yeah, I’m not a big supplement taker. I take my vitamin D with K. I take some B vitamins, fish oil, and B minerals, and I still have a low thyroid. I’m actually just starting to work with a thyroid expert. It’s definitely in my family; all the women have low thyroid, but I believe I can heal it. I take a very small amount, and in fact, because of the minerals, I was able to lower the amount that I take thyroxine.

Yeah, got it. There are no coincidences. I just interviewed Dr. Amie Hornaman.
That’s who I’m working with.
Well, there you go again. No coincidences. It was a fabulous interview. Have there been any breakthroughs so far with regard to the thyroid?
Dr. Amie is a good friend, and she’s amazing. I just haven’t had the time to work with her yet. So, I’m really excited to get started. The big thing is that we first have to find out what the issue truly is with my thyroid. I haven’t even done the testing necessary yet to find out if it’s the T3 or T4. I’m sure you learned a lot from talking to her, and I can’t speak properly to it, but we’re going to find out what’s happening, and then we’ll be able to hopefully address it without continuing to take the levothyroxine.
Awesome. Now, you mentioned fish oil. I recently learned about fatty15, which is a C15 essential fatty acid. I learned about it at the Biohacking Conference last year, and I’ve been taking it. I think it’s maybe worth looking into for yourself and maybe for our listeners. Have you heard of it?
I do take a really good form of fish oil, but I’m always looking for better ways to get that in my system.
No, I haven’t. I really look forward to having you share that with me. I do take a really good form of fish oil, but I’m always looking for better ways to get that in my system.
Yeah, it’s a C15, chain carbon 15. So, 15 carbon atoms in a row. It was discovered fairly recently. But there are not very many essential fatty acids. There’s just a small handful.
Yes, exactly. Well, I look forward to learning about it. I’m going to get that from you after our chat.
Awesome. Now, there must be some sort of testing protocol to see if you’re low on minerals and if BEAM minerals or something similar, is something called for in your wellness regimen. What’s the testing involved?
What I really would like to do is help people shift their whole paradigm of thinking about minerals because, generally, most of us have spent time looking at the nutritional facts panel on different supplements and different foods. And on the supplemental facts panel, they tell you, “Oh, this is a certain percentage of an RDA, a recommended daily amount of a particular nutrient or mineral or vitamin.” One of the things that I really learned through the process that I went through of researching is that those are pretty ludicrous, these RDAs, these percentages, because what you need is potentially very different than what I need now as basic baselines, they might be an interesting thing to look at.
However, what they do is they make me think of my body like a car. “Okay, I need gas. I am putting gas.” Somebody said I need a minimum RDA of 240 milligrams of magnesium. So I should take 240 milligrams of magnesium, and so should you and everyone else and fill up my tank every day. But in the process of learning about minerals, in particular how they operate in the body and how replenishment works, I realized that it’s not only ludicrous, it’s counterproductive, and it doesn’t work.
Your body makes a lot of amino acids, but it makes no minerals.
I work with a lot of athletes who take lots of magnesium and potassium and lots of salt-based electrolytes, and then we test them, and they are extremely deficient in one thing or another. So why is that? It’s because your body’s replenishment system does not work like a car. There’s no tank you can fill up. It’s important to also understand even minerals and how they operate in the body.
Once you begin to understand that, the way you think about all those pills that most of us have, what I call the supplement graveyard, changes. And it’s the cupboard at home filled with all the pills and powders and drinks and things that you tried for a while, and either you couldn’t stomach the flavor, they caused heartburn, you didn’t feel any difference, and so you stopped taking them.
How do minerals work in the body? Why do some minerals that you take as part of an electrolyte drink not end up getting into your cells and doing the work they’re supposed to be doing?
Well, let’s talk about how minerals work in the body. When you talk about minerals, you have to think about your body, not as organs or tissues or systems like cardiovascular, hormones, endocrine, etc. You have to think about your body as cells because minerals operate at a cellular level. So, an adult human has between 37 and 150 trillion cells. So, every part of your body is made of cells. As I did my research, I started going, “Well, okay, so the body is made of cells. Well, what fuels a cell?” And I realized, “Oh, it’s these energy-generating units called mitochondria, and they’re inside your cells.”

Now, to give you a sense of scale, it’s kind of cool to think about. So you’ve got 37 to 150 trillion cells, and in one single cell on your arm, on the skin of your arm, there’s maybe 100 mitochondria in your heart. In a single cell in your heart, 5 to 8,000 mitochondria. And in a single cell in your brain, you could have up to a million mitochondria in a neuron in your brain. Just think about how much energy it literally gives me chills every time I think about it. So, how much energy is being generated in your body moment by moment? Now you have to ask. “Well, what fuels all these mitochondria?” The interesting thing is that there are two things: amino acids and minerals.
Now, your body makes a lot of amino acids, but it makes no minerals. They all have to come in from the outside. You have to either ingest them or inject them. You could go get a transfusion. Of course, that’s just ambient. It comes in, it goes out. So it’s kind of a waste of money. I suppose it’s good if you were in a deep depletion and needed something now; it could be a good way to get an infusion, but it won’t last over time. So the interesting thing about minerals, though, is how they actually get into the body and how they actually work.
So, remember how I said the mitochondria are inside the cells? Those are the things that need the minerals. So, if you take a 240-milligram capsule of calcium, it has to go in through your mouth, down your throat, and into your stomach. It has to be completely digested all the way down to its ionic chemical components. Then it has to be absorbed through the lining of your gut into your bloodstream, and then ultimately, it has to be assimilated all the way into the cells for the mitochondria to actually access it. Now, the problem is that most mineral supplements are made from rocks, shells, and bones. Some of them are made from salts. That’s a separate thing we’ll talk about.
Glyphosate mimics one of the most prevalent amino acids in your body, and it is called glycine.
But how well do you think your digestive tract breaks down rocks, shells and bones? Not very efficiently. Even when they’re ground up into a powder, they still don’t get digested down to their ionic chemical components very effectively. You only end up digesting 10 to 12% of that pill. Okay, now we have to rely on the health of your gut lining.
We know most people are dealing with some level of issue with the lining of their gut. So we’re all because of things like glyphosate and gluten intolerance and all sorts of different Issues that were dealing with toxicity in the gut or imbalance in the gut. That absorption engine is not very effective with most people.
Glyphosate is the stuff that’s sprayed in nonorganic fields of corn and all that, and it actually rains down on us in the rainwater. Now, it’s crazy.
It’s actually sprayed directly onto the food. The food and plants have been modified to live, and they are genetically modified to live while the weeds die. So when you eat that food, you’re ingesting glyphosate. Glyphosate mimics one of the most prevalent amino acids in your body, and it is called glycine. Your body can’t recognize it; it thinks it’s glycine, so it absorbs it, and then it has all sorts of different negative effects, one of them being creating a leaky gut, which we also call gut dysbiosis.
But let’s say that you took 240 milligrams of this magnesium, and 10 to 12% of it got digested. Well, even if you have a pretty healthy gut, they say only 7 to 10% actually will be absorbed into your bloodstream. And then that calcium or magnesium still doesn’t do its job in your bloodstream. It has to get inside the cell. And that process is called assimilation. It’s basically the process of things getting from your bloodstream, going across the lining of your cell and getting into the cell. And that happens via something called diffusion.
The problem is that many of us have been eating unhealthy fats, cooking our olive oil, or eating canola oil or different saffron, mayonnaise, things like that, which are just saturated fats, which clog the lining of your cell and they decrease cell wall permeability. So they say only 5 to 7% of the pills that you take in powdered form or flavored drink form are measured in milligrams, which I call mega-dose minerals. Only 5 to 7% actually gets into your cell, where it can be utilized. And now what happens to the rest is your body has to work to eliminate it.
So then you have to think about the gut microbiome and what we know about it today. We know it’s this incredible place that’s constantly working to create beautiful balance. It’s kind of the way I like to describe it as a metaphor. When it’s healthy, it’s like a beautiful, vibrant, thriving forest. Now, if you have a beautiful, thriving natural ecosystem like that, and you take a wheelbarrow of magnesium or calcium or Potassium. You throw it, dump it out. What happens? The plants in that area don’t thrive because it’s in excess. It’s too much.
Consuming unhealthy fats can clog your cell linings and decrease cell wall permeability. This means that only a fraction of the minerals you ingest actually get absorbed. Share on XSo, the body has to work to clear that excess. So you’re actually creating a constant imbalance in your body when you’re using these megadose mineral and electrolyte supplements. And that is the biggest paradigm shift that I want to have people think about and realize is that in nature, things always work. It takes more time, and they work in minute amounts. As humans, we’re used to working in kind of heroic ways with, “Okay, let’s make the change. You know, let’s have a cup of coffee right now and want to feel better in five minutes.” But when you’re talking about minerals and how to effectively replenish minerals and have them work in your body, you have to think in a longer, more gentle, more natural mode and timescale.
Okay, so I just want to clarify this for our listeners. A mineral may or may not be a salt, or salt may or may not be a mineral. An electrolyte may or may not be a mineral. Can you differentiate the mineral, the salt, and the electrolyte for us?
So, sodium is a mineral. So electrolytes are minerals. They’re just minerals with a stronger electrolytic charge. So, salt-based electrolytes are electrolytes that are made from salts. So that’s why you have magnesium citrate, or you have magnesium gluconate, or you have these different minerals. They’re made from salts. The problem with salt-based electrolytes is that they’re very, very good at shifting your electrolyte balance quickly.
Sodium and electrolytes is a mineral. So, electrolytes are minerals with a stronger electrolytic charge.
But if you use them regularly, they actually create an imbalance in the system, number one. Number two, for people who are using electrolytes like powders and drinks on a daily basis, what happens is those salt-based electrolytes irritate the lining of the bladder and kidney. They make you urinate more. So now you’re actually flushing more minerals out of your system. You’re doing what I call irrigating rather than hydrating. You might be getting a lot of minerals into your gut; you might even be getting more of them into your bloodstream, but you’re not necessarily getting more into the inside of your cells.
I work a lot with trainers. Many performance athletes, semi-pro and pro, have come to us with a real sense of depletion, never being able to get replenished, struggling with dehydration and cramping or fasciculations. They call them the creepy crawlies. It’s like the muscles are just in the legs, tend to just move without any provocation, and look like worms underneath the skin. It’s really horrific. When we get them off the salt-based electrolytes entirely or the mega dosing of magnesium or potassium and just get them on the plant-based minerals, all of these symptoms disappear. They start feeling hydrated, they start feeling replenished, and their cramping goes away. So then we get into a why, how come?
Let’s get into that. But first, could we explain just briefly the differences between all these different types of magnesium? When you have magnesium citrate or magnesium, there are at least seven different types.
If you think about the periodic table, you’ve got magnesium, and magnesium citrate is bound with a citric acid molecule. Each one is bound with a different molecule. Now, based on studies that have been done, certain ones are more bioavailable. However, I want to clarify that bioavailability is usually about absorption. It’s not necessarily about assimilation into the cell. Most of those studies that have been done around different forms of magnesium or potassium or whatever calcium have been done based on how well they absorb through your gut lining. So that’s cool.
Minerals work in balanced pairs and triumvirates.
But again, unless they get into your cells, they’re not going to be doing their job. They’re not going to be effective. And I can’t tell you how many athletes we’ve used. We use a particular testing mineral testing method called oligoscan. It’s really the state-of-the-art of mineral testing. It uses something called photospectrometry. It shines a light into four places on your palm. This is the best way to find out what your body is actually uptaking as opposed to using blood or urine, which only tells you what’s ambient, like what you ate in the last few days.
Or your hair, which is what your body has excreted. So if you’re actually testing your tissue, you learn what is my body actually assimilating? With that, we often find people who are taking tons of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, but they have depletions, either sometimes deep depletions in those same minerals, or they might be high in magnesium and very low in one of the others, like potassium or calcium.
That’s the other thing to think about is minerals work in balanced pairs and triumvirates, so if you put a lot of magnesium in your body, your body says, “Oh, I need to balance that with calcium and potassium because they work in this three-legged stool.” And so, where does it get the potassium and calcium from your bones and other tissues? I work with a trainer who trains elite triathletes worldwide. One of the challenges that aging athletes have is they start getting osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Right. So, actually taking more magnesium could exasperate the situation and cause more calcium to leach from your bones?
If you’re going to have your minerals tested, it’s important to find a practitioner who can really look at that scan and tell you what it’s interpreted.
It could, yes. So, this is not something that’s well studied because megadose mineral supplements haven’t been used for that long. These are just things that are starting to occur. Lots of people are using magnesium for sleep. They’re using magnesium for elimination. And what I want people to consider is that when you’re using them in that way, you’re putting a band-aid on the issue, on your elimination issue or your sleep issue. And you’re continually creating imbalance in your body. I don’t recommend it. Doing it daily if you want to do it once in a while. Okay, well, that’s one thing because that imbalance will clear out in 24-48 hours, but if you’re doing it daily, you’re constantly throwing your body into imbalance. Isn’t it interesting?
Yeah. Let’s say you’re tracking your levels. How often are you doing an oligoscan?
I actually probably only do it every nine months or so, but when I do it now because I take the minerals every day, they’re just like straight across. I may have a couple of yellows every once in a while. The other thing that is interesting about mineral scans is learning to understand what you’re seeing when you look at a mineral scan. So people might look and find they’re taking a whole bunch of mineral supplement products, and they still have deep depletions. Now, that could mean a lot of other things. There are health correlations that are related to specific mineral imbalances, ratio differences or deep depletion. So, if you’re going to have your minerals tested, it’s important to find a practitioner who can really look at that scan and tell you what it’s interpreted.
Now, how does this play in with your full blood panels and hormonal panels? You mentioned how you were suffering from flatlined adrenals. You didn’t find that out from an oligoscan. You found that out from a hormone test.
Actually, it was from a saliva test for that test. It’s interesting for adrenals. It’s actually a saliva test. You take the test like four times in a day or something. They take saliva from your mouth four times a day, and then they test it four times a day.

How did you know to get that test done?
My naturopath.
Okay. And is that something you’d regularly know, like you do every nine months, the oligoscan? Do you do the saliva test or the adrenal test?
Yeah, I don’t need to. I mean, my adrenals are. I feel great. If I had any struggles, I did recently have a whole blood panel, a huge as they took like 15, 12 vials of blood and different things. And there were some cortisol aspects of that. But if you’re going to the proper adrenal test because of adrenals, you also want to know your levels and your day because you don’t want to have high cortisol at night and low cortisol in the morning. You need to know it needs to be in a particular pattern. But your naturopath will know that.
Yeah, but probably not your primary care physician if you’re going through the traditional insurance-based medical system.
The interesting thing to think about relative to adrenals, hormones, and thyroid is that these three also work in three-legged stools. And so my adrenals are healthy, my hormones are balanced, but my thyroid is still slightly out. So what that says to me is if I could heal the thyroid, this is why I’m now focusing there. If I can heal my thyroid, then I may be able to have really a super beautifully balanced three-legged stool relative to minerals.
You don’t want to have high cortisol at night and low cortisol in the morning.
One of the interesting things is that every single biosynthesis process in the body is ultimately fueled by minerals and amino acids. So it’s extremely important, and it’s one of the reasons that I had such a return across the board of all of these chronic symptoms. When you support all of the minerals at a foundational level and provide a full spectrum of minerals into your body, you actually begin to support all the biosynthesis processes.
So it’s a really beautiful thing. I work with so many other experts in many fields, and they all will say the same thing. Yes, my area of expertise is very, very important. But if you don’t have the minerals, this doesn’t work. If you’re in the biohacking space and you do red light or PEMF, literally every other supplement, every other device, and every tool that you’re using, if you are deficient in minerals, the effects of those will be mitigated. So, it’s the foundation for everything. One of the other things to think about is when people think about minerals, they think about the electrolytes that we take—magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium. They think about zinc.
Because everyone from the pandemic knows, “Oh, that’s really great for your immune system.” Maybe their naturopath told them they needed some selenium or maybe some chromium. There’s a few that people are aware of. But your body uses a full spectrum of minerals. There are things that you’re not going to take a pill for that are critical for cellular operations, like phosphorus, copper and molybdenum, things that most people haven’t even heard that word. Molybdenum is critical for certain operations in your body.
So, how do you get that full spectrum of minerals? That’s the other reason that the plant-based minerals were so effective in supporting the return to homeostasis of my body overall. The beautiful thing about plant-based minerals is that they are humic and fulvic substances; they’re naturally formulated by nature in the same ratios of minerals that your body utilizes. So there’s a lot of magnesium and calcium, but you know, those big, what we call the macrominerals. But there’s also smaller specific ratios of all those other minerals.
Every single biosynthesis process in the body is ultimately fueled by minerals and amino acids.
Chromium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, copper, iodine, on and on and on. So what a great thing to find: a tool that can replenish all the minerals that my body needs, already naturally formulated in the ratios that my body needs them. How simple is that? I’ve spent a lot of time in the aisles of health food stores because I really wanted to understand what people knew about minerals. Because I’ve spent ten years not only researching but also learning to speak to people about minerals in ways that they could understand. Because everyone’s looking at it, should I take this magnesium gluconate, or do I need this magnesium citrate? And how many milligrams should I take? They’re going crazy. In the aisle, because there are all these pill bottles and all these forms, they don’t know where they came from, what the source is, and what it is on and on.
I’m saying you don’t need to do that. All you need to do is get some humic and fulvic. Some well manufactured humic and fulvic. Our products are really easy to take because they’re liquid and they taste like water. There are other forms that our great was shilajit, or shilajit, which is also a form. Where these come from is imagine an entire rainforest back when the dinosaurs lived and a meteor hit the earth. This was 65 million years ago around the Yucatan, and it killed 75% of all life on earth. And those rainforests decomposed over millennia into this mineral-rich substance called, in our case, humate.
In the Himalayas, it’s called shilajit. In the British Isles, it’s called peat. There are other forms of it, such as leonardite and other forms of plant-based humic and fulvic substances. So we take that humate material and extract these two molecules from it. Now, people have heard these termed humic acid and fulvic acid. Humic and fulvic acid are simply extracted from their source material using hydrochloric acid. It’s not a bad thing, but the only problem is that it tastes terrible. Also, the acid molecule is larger, so it requires some digestion first.
The beautiful thing about humic and fulvic molecules as we extract them is they’re already at the smallest ionic chemical component level. So they’re ready for absorption immediately.
The beautiful thing about humic and fulvic molecules as we extract them is they’re already at the smallest ionic chemical component level. So they’re ready for absorption immediately. They require no digestion in the body, which is, again, why they were so effective for me. I had so many problems in my gut with dysbiosis, and I’m sure I didn’t have good absorption in my gut lining. But these are absorbed directly through any tissue they touch and immediately absorbed so quickly that by the time they hit your stomach, some portion of them has been absorbed and already assimilated and is being utilized by the body. So again, that full spectrum of minerals is formulated in the ratios of minerals my body needs.
So, it’s in the right ratios, meaning that you’ll need some minerals more than others. A larger number of those minerals.
Magnesium, calcium, potassium. Yeah, the macros.
It’s in the right ratios, and it’s got the full spectrum. And we’re talking about dozens and dozens of these trace minerals. So, like, what, 70 or something?
Yeah, and just to be clear, they haven’t really defined that there are 70 plus minerals in plant-based humic and fulvic substances. They don’t really know the uses of all of them, but it definitely includes all of the minerals for which they have identified specific biosynthesis processes or that are identified in the Krebs cycle, which is the life cycle of a cell.
In contrast, let’s say that you get some chewable multivitamin or something that tastes yummy. It comes from China. So you’re talking about knowing your sources, where you’re getting this stuff from, and where they manufacture it from. What are your thoughts about getting some off-brand Walmart-type vitamins that are made in China?
Yeah, I wouldn’t do it. I’m sure there are some products that come from China that are good, but the problem is you just can’t trust them. So I wouldn’t do it. And the problem is there’s a big movement with gummies, and I’m like, “Okay, a gummy is nice because you don’t have to take a pill and swallow a whole bunch of pills.” But the efficacy in terms of the amount of any particular substance that they can actually stuff into a gummy and still have it taste good is very, very small. And then your body has to digest it. And by the time you digest it, the amount that you’re actually getting is so minuscule it’s just not worth it. You’d have to eat 20 gummies. It’s not going to be effective. It’s going to end up in your supplement graveyard. Yeah. Unless they’re really good, and then you’re going to eat them like candy.
Exactly. Gummies are so tasty.
You’re getting more sugar than anything else, right?
What you’re doing is you’re feeding your dopamine reward center with, “Oh yeah, let’s have essentially a sugar treat instead of having my vitamins.” Now, what are the differences between minerals and Ormus or monatomic gold or liquid cheese or something like that?
So here’s the interesting thing. There are lots of forms of minerals out there. You can take the pills in rock, shells and bones, or you could take CMOS, or you could use Ormus. People who use this particular water start with a Q. I can’t think of the word. There are lots of sea mineral or salt-based mineral substances that people take that have mineral content, so that’s cool. But what they don’t have is the delivery system for those minerals into your cells.
They’re fairly bioavailable, meaning they can be absorbed into your bloodstream, but they don’t necessarily get all the way into your cells. This is the amazing thing about the fulvic. The fulvic substance is an incredibly powerful flavonoid. And a flavonoid is an intercellular transporter. It’s literally the delivery system for minerals into your cells. It carries 60 times its weight. The molecule carries 60 times its weight of nutritional elements and minerals directly into your cell.
The beautiful thing about plant-based minerals is that they're naturally formulated by nature in the same ratios of minerals that your body utilizes. Share on XSo, any channel that opens in your cell wall, your body recognizes fulvic as a beneficial substance, and it lets that fulvic carry its weight 60 times into the cell. The fulvic molecule does this cool thing. It changes its polarity, and it drops all that content inside the cell. So it’s literally like having a guy out in the hall with a backpack, and he fills it up with all the good stuff you need, brings it in and dumps it out on your table. And now you have all the good stuff you need for the day.
That’s a mineral sherpa.
It’s a mineral. I love that. That’s great.
You might trademark that one. That’s a good one.
I love that. See, I call the humic Mother Nature’s janitor, and I’ve been looking for a name to call the fulvic. So now I’m going to call it Mother Nature’s Mineral Sherpa. That’s awesome.
The product you were trying to think of that begins with a Q that’s Quinton.
Yes. Quinton. People often ask me, what’s the difference? It does have a lot of minerals; it just doesn’t have a delivery system. So, the reason people feel a difference, and I’m going to ask you, when was the last time you actually felt a difference from a mineral supplement? Most people aren’t going to feel a difference, but when you take B minerals, you actually feel more energy after taking it, just even for a week.
Some people who are really depleted, athletes, we go to aid stations at the bike races, and they come in, and they don’t want to take the salt-based electrolytes because they know the potassium is going to trash their stomach and they’re going to end up with cramping, like stomach cramps. So they don’t want to take that. Sometimes, they’ll take pickle juice, but it’s also just so much salt they don’t want that either.
So we say, “Why don’t you try our Electrolyze, which is our fulvic product?” They take a drink, just a 1-ounce drink of it, and literally, 30 seconds later, they’re like, “Whoa, what just happened?” Because it absorbs and assimilates so quickly that they can feel the difference. So I would say across the board, most people will feel the difference when they take Electrolyze daily, within a week to ten days, and over a long period of time, they’ll absolutely feel. It’s what I describe as more bandwidth for life. So, as opposed to feeling those crashes that go up and down, you feel more kind of a steady state and, like you’ve got some reserves available.
Right. So you don’t need to take Quinton if you’re taking BEAM minerals.
Exactly. You don’t need to take any other mineral or electrolyte supplement now.
So is restore, or I guess they changed their name to Ion. Is that something that is still beneficial, or is it also kind of duplicative?
It’s a duplicate of our Electrolyze, which is our fulvic product. So the thing to note about, and we should actually just say we don’t have a lot more time, but the difference between Humic and fulvic is that humic is a natural detoxifier. What it does is it removes toxins completely from your body. Fulvic and humic work together in pairs. So, fulvic brings nutrients, biowaste and toxins out of the cells and drops them into the bloodstream.
Then, the humic molecule gathers those up and carries them all the way out of your body. So, Ion is a beautiful product, and I love Zach Bush. He’s an awesome person. However, it’s only a Fulvic product. So, if you think about using a product that’s continually taking the intercellular toxins out and dropping them in your bloodstream, you also want to use humic and remove those from your system. Also, our product tastes a lot better than Ion. Sorry, Zach.
So, speaking of taking stuff without toxins, what about a product like a charcoal tablet or some sort of bind type?
Yeah, like a clay.
Something that is used to remove toxic heavy metals. You’d probably want to do this under the guidance of a doctor. All disclaimers apply, etc. So, I know CytoDetox is oftentimes part of the protocol, plus a bind to get rid of some of this stuff. What’s your take on that?
So here’s the thing, our minerals. Fulvic provides the intercellular detoxification of heavy metals, biowaste toxins, glyphosate, and free radicals. Humic provides the full system detoxification of all of those same elements, like the removal from your body altogether. Now, in the detoxification protocol space, let’s say you have a test, you find you’re very high in specific heavy metals, or you have mycotoxin, or you have other things that you really need to remove.
You’re going to use, let’s say, cell core, and you’re going to go through a detoxification protocol, and they’re using some, I don’t know, zeolite, or they’re using some other clay product, or they’re using charcoal as a binder. You can do that protocol, and I think that’s great as long as you’re working with a practitioner. I definitely don’t recommend anybody doing these kinds of particularly heavy metal detoxification protocols without working with a practitioner.
I call humic Mother Nature’s janitor. It just literally hangs out in your bloodstream, taking out the detritus.
But once you finish that protocol, you’re immediately again getting rained on, breathing air and eating food that has glyphosate, and you’re getting your breathing carbon monoxide, and you’re getting exposed to toxicants all the time. And so the beautiful thing about humic and fulvic is when you infuse your body with them on a daily basis. That’s why I call humic Mother Nature’s janitor. It just hangs out in your bloodstream, taking out the detritus and the stuff your body doesn’t want.
So do protocol if you really want to make a big impact in a short period of time. But take Humic and Fulvic. You can take it during the protocol. We know many people who do. Or you can wait until after to save your money. As soon as you’re done with that protocol, you’re going to take the humic and fulvic as your maintenance mode for mineral replenishment and continuous full-system detoxification.
Got it. Is it best to take mineral supplementation in the morning or in the evening?
Well, what I say about our products is they’re natural, and nature couldn’t say, “Oh, cells only take this stuff in the morning, or you can only have it at night.” No, the cells in your body can uptake minerals at any time of day. These have no stimulant aspect. You can take them on an empty stomach. They’re fantastic for the support of fasting. They don’t break your fast, and they support autophagy and all those biosynthesis processes that are happening while you’re fasting, and they don’t bother your stomach. The only caveat I’ll say is that for our Microboost, which is our humic product, I recommend that you take it in a glass of water so that you’re not having it hit your gut all at once. It’s going to slowly infuse over 15 minutes or so as you drink your glass of water.
Got it. Well, this was amazing, hugely informational and really insightful. Thank you for sharing not just all this great information but also, with transparency, your origin story, how you went from unhealthy to healthy, how this was a game changer for you, and how it inspired you to bring this to the world. So that’s awesome. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share it with another group of people. I’m truly on a mission to help people learn about minerals.
And your website for our listeners.
Our website is just There’s lots of educational information there for people who like to geek out. You can follow links through those articles into actual scientific studies.
And BEAM is an acronym, right?
Yes, it is. Best Electrolytes and Minerals.
That’s awesome. Really cool. Well, thank you, Caroline. And thank you, listener. Go out there and make it a wonderful world for everybody. We’ll catch you in the next episode. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.